Chapter Two

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*At the Agreste Mansion*

"Father, are you alright?" Adrien asked. " You seemed momentarily stunned,"

Gabriel shook out of his daze and stood up, "I'm fine. I just had a moment of inspiration," Then he turned to Nathalie, "I call it 'The Purple Butterfly" He looked over at Nathalie signifying that this was more than a burst of inspiration, it was more like a burst of emotion, negative emotion. "Nathalie, let's go to my office and get designing right away." They left the table and quickly hurried to Gabriel's office, shutting the door behind them. Feeling curious, Adrien followed them to the door and hid behind it, trying to listen in on their conversation.

"I don't think you want to see what's behind that door Adrien," Plagg warned as he flew out from Adrien's jacket, "Besides, didn't you know curiosity killed the cat?"

"Yeah but satisfaction brought it back, " He reached for the doorknob but stopped himself, "Plagg, I'm not sure I want to go in there. We haven't ruled out the possibility that Father could be Hawk Moth and he might have akumatized himself to throw me and Ladybug off track..." Then an idea popped into his head, "Hey Plagg, what if you peek your head in there and tell me what's happening, and if it's something serious, tell me okay?"

Plagg looked up at Adrien, "Look, Kid if he really is Hawk Moth, wouldn't that be a big problem? I mean, how are you supposed to willingly fight your father?"

"But Plagg, if my father really is Hawk Moth, we could find out a way to defeat him once and for all!" Adrien countered back.

"Well, you'll need me for this, and I'm not doing it. Not in a billion years!"

"Are you sure? Because I've been keeping this piece of Camembert for over one hundred and fifty days and I know you would hate to see it go to waste..."

"No. No way. You can't bribe me with some really old stinky cheese," Plagg protested, "Ohhhh! But it's Camembert..."

Adrien smirked, "So? Will you go in for me before I need to get ready for school?"

"I need to see the cheese with my eyes first" Adrien showed Plagg the stinky cheese, "Ohhhhhhh! It practically has my name on it!" He stared at the cheese, then at Adrien, "Okay fine, deal!"

"I'll be standing at the door trying to listen in," Adrien said. Plagg silently flew through the door and hid behind a flower vase. As he looked around to see the scene around him, he was shocked.

Outside the door, Adrien couldn't stand the suspense. He silently creaked open the door and ran away from the sight that was before him: his father and Nathalie standing in a tight embrace, sharing a passionate kiss.

POUND IT! (On hiatus until my brain cooperates with me...)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα