Chapter Three: Alice

Start from the beginning

For the first time in this crazy vivid dream, I thought of my brother. Hazy memories of when him and I were just two kids singing a lullaby, lulling ourselves to sleep popped into my mind. "May I?" She gestured to the space on the piano bench. Nodding, I played another melody. Esme sat there and watched me for a few moments before speaking. "Where did you learn?"

"My brother taught me." I smiled thinking about his goofy face. "What was his name?"

"Aiden." Was? As in past tense? Like he was dead or something? "I'm sorry." Esme said, bowing her head with with an expression of sorrow. I scrunched my eyebrows, "Why are you apologizing?" She looked at me oddly.

"Your brother. Your family. You must be terribly mournful." The same expression of sorrow on her face. I abruptly stopped playing. "Did something happen?" I asked. Why was she so sad about my brother? Did she know what happened to my parents? She was confused now.

"You're... like us now. You're not human." She stated, almost a question. Still weird to hear someone say it out loud. I nodded, pressing.

"You're a newborn. The smell of human blood would send you into a frenzy- you would lose control." I cringed. "Lose control? Like how?"

"You would... feed from them on instinct." She spoke softly and carefully, as if afraid of my reaction. I blinked. "I would kill them?" I frowned. She nodded pitifully.

"That's why we feed on animals. We don't want to hurt humans." Her voice soft and sweet. I gave her a small smile, "That's admirable." I thought about it for a moment. Aiden.

"Um," I said, uncomfortable. "My brother. Did he come looking for me?" I shuddered thinking of the men smiling at my cries. Esme held my hand.

"Yes, dear." I sat stiffly, everything coming into realization. I was standing upright suddenly, frantically reaching for my phone when I didn't have it.

"My phone! I need to call Aiden! I have to tell him I'm okay! Do you have a phone?" I looked to Esme. She was standing too now- looking at me like I was a lost child. Her soft expression scared me.


"I'm sorry, honey. You can't call him."

"Why?" I knew what she meant. My heart dropped. How had I been so oblivious this entire time?! Why hadn't I thought to call him before?

"It's dangerous for him, for us. He can't know what we are, and if you went anywhere near him you'd kill him." She took a step towards me and I stepped back.

"I can't see him ever again, can I?" I whispered, afraid of her answer. She nodded with a solemn expression, searching my face. '

I had the image of my older, goofy brother frantically searching for me running over and over in my head; him not knowing what happened to me. He'd lost his one and only sister, with no knowledge or power to find me. He would think I was dead. And the thought of a life without him, the thought of never seeing him again.

"Jace, stop it." Aiden laughed at me, I was messing up his hair. "But it looks better this way." I said giggling at his red hair sticking up in all different directions.

"Jace, sweetheart?" I hadn't realized that Esme was now in front of me, moving my hair out of my face and wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

I wasn't breathing. I could see nothing but my brother's torn face twisted in pain.

"Jace?" Esme's hand were at my face now.

Was I crying? I didn't feel any tears on my cheeks. I was heavy. My chest felt like someone had put a boulder on top of it.

"Carlilse!" Esme screamed.

Aiden was humming our lullaby. I began to hum with him. My mom and dad sat in the front, their hands locked with each other's with my dad at the steering wheel. Honking. Bright headlights. Crash. Silence.

Carlilse and Jasper were looking at me with awestruck expressions. Esme had let go of me completely, taking steps backward. I suddenly had every Cullen in the house staring at me, surrounding me. All of them with their jaws hanging from their faces.

I looked at each of them, alarmed. "What?" I looked down.

I was levitating two feet off the ground.


I huffed. I had now been hanging upside down from the ceiling for twenty minutes with no idea of how to get down. Twenty minutes of everyone panicking, of my screaming at Carlilse, trying to figure out what the fuck was going on.

Apparently, my body completely ignoring gravity was not a normal thing for vampires. At least my inability to get back to the ground let to an interesting introduction to Emmett.

Emmett guffawed, "You look like spiderman." I giggled, despite the situation. "I'll take that as a compliment."

"Jace, how are you doing this?" Carlilse asked in his doctor voice. I shrugged. "I don't know, you tell me. None of this weird shit started happening until now."

Emmett laughed again, pointing up at me, "I like this one." I smiled at him.

"Jace, what're you thinking about?" Jasper asked me seriously. I shifted my arms uncomfortably. "I was thinking about my brother. How I'll never see him again." A twist in my stomach. The ceiling started crushing against me. "Carlilse!"

"Jace, Jace! Calm down! I think your emotions are what's causing it. You're absolutely agonized. Think about something else, something that calms you."

I inhaled a breath, trying to do what he said. The ceiling was cracking now.

"Jasper, it's not working!"

"Keep trying!" I groaned in frustration.

"You're the one with emotional control, why can't you just make me feel calm?!" I shifted trying to change my body's position on the ceiling.

"You're too strong, your gift is over powering mine."

I whipped my head to him. "Gift? What I'm doing right now is a gift?"

"Yes," Carlilse said, "But you need to learn how to control it. If your anguish is what is causing you to lose control, you need to feel something else. Take control back."

"How the hell am I supposed to do that?"

Ugh. Imagine if Aiden had been here to see me like this. He'd laugh his ass off.

"Good, Jace! It's working. Keep doing what you're doing." Jasper said.

I realized the ceiling wasn't crushing anymore, and I was a few inches lower than what I had been before.

I exhaled quickly. "Okay okay-" I thought about how ridiculous I must've looked, my hair hanging from my head, my shirt slid down to my ribs, everyone panicking at the fact that I just started randomly floating mid air. I had to admit- this was probably the most ridiculous moment of my life. I laughed to myself.

And then I fell. Right on my head.

Emmett's loud laughter brought me out of my reverie as I squirmed around to stand, and within a second I was laughing with him.

"Awe, kid. We're going to have so much fun." I beamed at him and gasped.

"Dude, you're huge!" From the ceiling, he looked much smaller. He stood a foot and a half over me, his torso towering over me.

His big hand ruffled my hair like I was a little kid.

"Are you alright, sweetheart?" Esme asked me, her hand coming onto my shoulder. I nodded and gave her a bright smile, "That was pretty fun." She smiled at me, mixed with shock.

This day keeps getting weirder and weirder.

Hi guys!! Sorry it took so long, I took a bit to see where I wanted it to with the story and I have it figured out. How do you guys feel about a little wlw action? :)) Will post again soon!

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