Her:" no, he thinks it's yours "

Me:" you have to tell him luh "

Her:" you bought me this house and so you tell him "

Me:" let me go before he thinks I'm banging you " she giggles and I get off the bed and fix my hardon then leave.

I open the gate and he drives in with his car then I meet him halfway when he gets out of the car.

Me:" Good afternoon Mapholoba "

Him:" junior gumede, how are you ? " we shake hands, ok this is good.

Me:" I'm good and happy "

Him:" I see because you have my daughter all to yourself, you want her to cohibitate with you? "

Me:" No sir. Actually I wanted to talk to you about something. I was going to come to your house and ask you Sir......  "

Him:" mbuso talk? "

Me:" can we get in the house and sit down "

Him:" the house you brought my daughter? " fuck he knows

Me:" yes sir and I was going to tell you about it now, too " he shakes his head like he's defeated

Him:" fine, lead the way " we get inside the house and I lead him to the empty living room then straight to the kitchen because that's the only place that has chairs.

Me:" please sit down "

Him:" when are you furnishing it? "

Me:" I told her to hire an interior designer and furnish it whatever way she likes...whatever makes her happy "

HIim:" hmmm "

Me:" uhm sir. I know me meeting your daughter was under very unfortunate circumstances and things were just messed up and there are many things I could have done to avoid most of the things I did to her and I would like to fix all of that and do things the right way if you would allow me the chance " I look at him and he's looking at me not even blinking

Him:" I'm listening, continue " this man is very intimidating like my dad.

Me:" Sir with your permission I'm asking for your daughter's hand in marriage. I would love to marry your daughter and make her my wife and build a home with her and make you a grandfather of many grandkids " I see a ghost smile when I say the last part.

Him:" are you serious about what you're asking mbuso ? "

Me:" with every being on my body sir "

Him:" and if I say no, what are you going to do ? "

Me:" it would break my heart sir I'm not going to lie, but I won't give up on asking you again because I will prove myself to her and to you that I love her. I will do anything to protect her and I will give anything to see her always happy. I will prove to you that I'm worthy to be loved by her and that I deserve her to be in my life because I lost her once because I took her for granted and it was the worst time of my life and I don't ever want to go through that ever again. My life doesn't make sense without her sir. Please allow me to marry your daughter ". fuck I'm sweating, I wipe my forehead and look at him.

Him:" go and get lungi " I get up and turn but I see her coming and she  smiles and has tears in her eyes, she was listening. She comes to me and hugs me then looks at me and I wipe her tears. She goes and kisses her dad on the cheek then we sit down hold hands and look at her dad.

Mapholoba:" Lungile, yesterday I received a letter from the Gumede family. They are requesting a meeting with me and your uncles and I accepted the letter and told them we will be incontact with them. Mbuso has asked me for your hand in marriage and before I give him my answer, I would like to talk to you first "