Death, my love, you're beautiful.

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again, he did it again. he do it a million times over if it meant seeing him every day. he'd kill every person he came into contact with if they were the key to Deaths heart. if these tools in which he used to kill could give life to his love, he would never stop killing.
these were the thoughts that ran through Kans head as he cleaned the blood off his hands, still on a high from the brief meeting he'd just had with Death.
"you killed another one?" Kan nods. "this is your fifth on this week, Kan. It's only wednesday." Death sighs as he picks up the body. Kan follows Death into the living room as they continue the conversation.
"i don't know how else to get in contact with you. you only come when i kill. so i'll just keep doing it until you stay." Kan whines, picking at the dried blood that stained his jeans. Death left out a long breath, setting the departed soul that he was holding in the air. "Kan, you're making my job 10X harder for me. please just stop this. find someone else."
kan only shakes his head, reaching a hand out to toy with the soul. "it's cold." he whispered. "yeah, cuz it's dead. that happens." Death states dryly while watching the interaction. "Death, just stay and have a cup of coffee with me. Please?" Kan requests, just like every other time. And again, like all the times before, Death answers. "Kan, you know i can't."
"please, just this once." he begs, no longer giving his attention to the soul that floated between them. "maybe next time, Kan. shits been really busy since you've fallen for me. my work load has almost doubled." kan just pouts as Death walks to the door, ready to leave.
"same time tomorrow." Kan teases, smiling as Death roles his eyes. "if i weren't already dead, you'd be killing me, Kan." With that, Death leaves with a warm smile and a fond feeling for this boy that is willing to kill just to see him every day.

" With that, Death leaves with a warm smile and a fond feeling for this boy that is willing to kill just to see him every day

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