One way home Pt. 1

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Friday, March 24th, 2015

(Anything italicized is Min "talking")
Through the glass, she watched as everything on the outside flew by. She watched the trees swing in the wind, the rain as it soaked into the ground. She noted each and every car as it passed by her window. She wished to be outside. To feel the rain against her skin. To taste the muggy air in her lungs. But she kept herself inside, away from the world. Away from life.
The knock on her door pulled her away from the window as a figure entered the room
"Min? Are you awake." The voice asked. The young girl still stared out the window, silent and lifeless. Her voice was useless and had no power. Staying silent was the only thing that felt right to the girl. Speaking brought problems that she did not have the heart to deal with.
"Min?" The figure walked towards her, resting a cold stone-like hand on her shoulder. She pulled away shrinking into herself as the feeling of others touch sent shocks through her. It felt lifeless to her skin and left her feeling dead.
"Min, you need to talk to me." The voice belonged to her mother, though it seemed foreign to the girl. A voice that she'd know for so long could one day become so unfamiliar to her. It pained her.
She ignored her mother's pleading voice, looking back to her window. The world outside still moved and thrived, leaving only the small girl behind and alone.
"Min." She sighed, turning towards the woman.
"What?" She signed angrily to the woman.
"I wish you would use your voice." Her mother said sounding drained.
"You know that will only make it worse."
She wasn't deaf, but her voice was broken. It was a struggle to speak when she tried. Trying only hurt her so she'd given up speaking, learning sign language at the age of seven. It was the only way to communicate other than writing.
"Mom, please just go away. "
She signed, frustrated at the way her parents pride at her.
"Min, you need to try at some point. You can't just go the rest of your life not talking."
"I can try." the girl just wanted to be left alone. To live in her own world. But that wasn't allowed. She was too fragile in the eyes of the people around her. She needed everyone to look out for her, to make sure she was okay. It was suffocating and only made her hate people more.
"It's not a solution." the woman in front of the girl stated.
"But it's an option."

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