Him:" Aw ma what did I do now?" He forgot

Gumede:" You really don't know or you're just disrespecting us here... Especially your wife? "

Mbuso:" What?, I really don't know what you're talking about and disrespect her how? " His voice starts to get loud

Gumede:" Is that how now you talk to me mbuso?, raise your voice ever at me again and I'll punch you until you get your senses back" He's as cool as a cucumber but his voice carries so much authority

Mbuso:"I'm sorry baba it will never happen again but I still don't know what wrong I did"

Gumede:" Did you share the same with your wife last night? " group open us and swallow me.

Mbuso:" With all due respect dad I cannot answer that"

Gumede:" Thought as much, well answer me this. Is she the one who put those scratches on your back? " Mbuso's face goes all white then he looks at his mom, brothers then me and I look down. He stands next to the fridge turns his body and sees his reflection and he says fuck softly. I go to "our" bedroom and look for his T-shirt in the closet, come back with it and I give it to him and he takes it, wears it and sits down with his head bowed down. I would think he is ashamed but hey I don't know this man.

Gumede:" What time did he come back lungi? and one thing you should know about your father in law is you do not lie to me. We do not lie in this family we always tell the truth no matter what, do you hear me" First time I hear my father in law call me by my name.

Me:" I hear you baba " I look at mbuso and he looks so guilty, sitting there like a school boy getting reprimanded by his parents.

Gumede:" When did he come home last night? "To lie or not to lie

Me:" I was asleep by the time he came back but I woke up when I heard the shower was on and I looked at the clock and it was 3 am"

Gumede:" So the moment you landed and got home, you left your wife all alone in this house and left to do disgusting things.....while you were supposed to be here comforting her but you were out making some woman who's not your wife screaming your name mbuso!. At 3 am that's when a married man comes home? "

Mbuso:" It won't happen again baba. I'm sorry "

Gumede:" The very first day you got married, you left your wife to go and cheat? "

Mbuso:" I didn't cheat on her. We don't have that kind of relationship "

MaGumede:" You know I can just slap you right now mbuso. Wasn't it you who said you need time to get to know each other?....or you were talking about sleeping with those cheap women you always sleep with yeh?....talk man! "

Mbuso:" But mo. .... "

MaGumede:" Don't mom me man!. You are a married man now mbuso grow up. Forget about your bachelor days they are gone. Focus on your wife here or else you'll lose one of the best things that has happened in your life. Having her as your wife is good for you, you might not see it but I know it mbuso because I'm your mother. Change your ways or let this poor girl go because she has been put through enough for something she didn't do or asked to be part of. Do right by her. Lungi let's go upstairs " His mom doesn't wait for him to answer. She dropped all of that on him...I wonder what his dad is going to say. We leave the men in the kitchen.

Ma:" Did he show you around the house? "
Me:" No ma, he was going to show me today" I lie. The whole house has 8 bedrooms with en suite bathrooms, ours has a beautiful verander, private lounge for what kodwa yoh, cold room, pantry room, laundry room, gym, sitting, dining room that leads to the kitchen then basement has a very cosy almost intimate like cinema room and garages outside, 2 cottages of which one of then maGumede says it's for security.