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⚠️Trigger warning⚠️

Angst and suicide (I try to veer away from these kind of fics)


Peter was ranting as usual to Happy on the way to the tower. Happy was used to listening to the young boys rants so he just ignored them. Peter burst into the Tower; all the employee's knew him. He waved hi to a few people he knew (which was everyone) and stepped into the elevator.

"Where to Little Stark?" F.R.I.D.A.Y asked.

"Where's Mr Stark?" Peter replied.

"The lab," The AI sounded nervous, if an AI could.

"Then there," Peter swayed to the music, the doors opened, and he rushed out. Tony was in the lab like F.R.I.D.A.Y said, but he was talking to someone.

"Hey Mr Stark!" Peter called out to his mentor.

"Oh, hi kiddo," Tony returned to what he was doing. There was another person in the lab. He looked around Peter's age, he had golden hair and blue eyes.

"Who's that?" Peter whispered to Tony.

"Hmm, what? OH, that's Greg, he's a new intern." Tony put his attention back to the project. Normally interns weren't allowed in this lab. Peter just shrugged it off and gave his ideas to the older man.


By Friday Greg was basically living in the tower. Peter got used to seeing him there, he had no problem with him. Movie night rolled by, the Avengers were friendly with Greg, but they seemed to be leaving Peter out. He noticed it throughout the week, all the attention that WAS on Peter got transferred to the other boy. Peter ignored it thinking that it would be ok.


The week after Greg came into the tower, May had to go for the week, so Peter was staying in the tower as usual. Except when he got there, his room looked different. Instead of his normal layout there was a different one.

"Hey Mr Stark, what happened to my room?" Peter went to the living room; the avengers were laughing about something Greg had said.

"We gave it to Greg, uh do you mind going back to your apartment?" Steve asked. This hurt the boy.

"Sure," Peter went outside, tears threatening to spill. Happy wasn't there to drive him home so he just walked.


Weeks went by and it did not get better. Greg went to Peter's school; he was even in the decathlon team. Peter's friends started shunning him unintentionally and were always hanging around Greg. Flash seemed to like Greg and never bullied him, but when Flash bullied Peter, Greg stood by and laughed. Ned was a bit cautious but even he fell under the spell. Soon Peter was all alone. Happy didn't pick him up to take him home, so he had to walk or take the bus home. Peter missed the bus on most days, so he walked to school as well. Aunt May was always working so he basically had to look after himself. When he showed up for the internship at Stark Industries, all his friends there wouldn't look him in the eye. Eventually Tony fired him. That night when Peter returned home, he found his beloved aunt hanging. He had no one to turn to. The avengers kicked him out, his aunt had died, his friends weren't talking to him. Even as Spiderman he had little happiness.

Slowly, oh ever so slowly, Spiderman allowed hits. He usually never got stabbed, lately he allowed it. Same with getting shot. Some criminals noticed this change. They thought he was just tired, lucky them. Peter eventually gave up on being Spiderman. Once a week he'd go on patrol. Soon it turned to once a month.

A year after Greg arrived Peter snapped. It was a Friday, before Greg, a lab day. Peter walked to his house. Flash's bullying had gotten worse, even Greg joined. MJ and Ned where ignoring him, even when he got bullied, they laughed. He opened the door to his apartment. The landlord felt sorry for the 16-year-old and let him stay for free. He got some whiskey he stole. His Spiderman suit was in his wardrobe and for the first time for 10 months he got it out again. He got his phone and played record.


It's your friendly neighbourhood Spiderman! You haven't seen me in a while, and you never will after today. I want to thank you people though. I blame no one for what happened, but I do have a few words I would like to say. Tony Stark, I love you, you were like a father to me. Steve, Nat, Clint, Wanda, Vision, Bruce, Thor, Loki, Bucky, Pepper, Rhodey, Sam, Doctor Strange I want to thank you for being the best aunts, uncles and mothers, looking at you Pepper. Ned and MJ, thank you for sticking by for as long as you did, you guys are the bestest friends I could ask for. Society, thank you for cheering me on. I'm sorry I haven't been there for you in the past year. I also want to thank my landlord Christie, thank you for allowing me to stay here for free. That's it. Thank you for everything. I am so sorry.

With that he took his mask off and took a swig of the whiskey. He smiled with tears in his eyes and waved. He pressed the button to end the recording.


When Tony saw the video, he was heartbroken. It got posted on the internet 2 hours ago. Of course, it went viral, it was Spiderman saying goodbye. For the last time. All the avengers mourned the boy, how could they have been so stupid. Ned and MJ cried and didn't go to school for weeks to come, they had failed their friend. Christie knew it was coming but still cried. Everyone cried. They lost a superhero, some lost a friend, others lost a boy who was always cheerful. Tony Stark had lost a son. He had failed Peter Benjamin Parker. He would never forgive himself. He never fired Greg, not wanting the same fate on the boy. Greg eventually left though. He was nothing compared to the cheerful, bubbly boy known as Peter Parker.

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