𝟎𝟎𝟓. act like a tiger

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"No, I told her I would check that you were still in your room because you normally run on Saturday's." Gideon stated with an obvious undertone to his voice.

"Nice girl code, big bro." Margot nodded in approval.

"Yeah well, I'm about to go to Chuck's shindig so this has to count as my good deed of the day." Gideon stated, shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

"Go be a menace to society and tell Blair I will be down soon." Margot teased, flapping her hands at her bother.

"Okay crazy." Gideon laughed, mock bowing at the girl. "Let the weekend of debauchery begin!"

"Don't do anything illegal." Margot called out after him. "I don't want to have to spend the next 5 years visiting you in jail."

"Don't worry you will have deniability." Gideon yelled, as she heard him go down the stairs.

Margot inwardly groaned before she rose from the comfort of her bed, pulling on her favourite cozy sweater over her silk pyjamas. Her feet padded down the stairs and through to the living room, she had never seen Blair look so worried. She didn't even know what to think or feel as Blair turned around with a cup of tea in her hands.

"What are you doing here?" Margot was the first to break the awkward silence.

"I'm here to swallow my pride and apologise." Bali stated simply, with a shy smile on her lips.

"You, Blair Cornelia Waldorf have come to my home turf to apologise — in person." Margot exclaimed, with sarcasm etched into her tone.

"Because I now know that what you did was only to protect me." Blair sighed, putting her cup on the coffee table that was acting at barrier between the girls. "You were there for me during one of probably the lowest points of my life, you cared enough to hide the truth from me."

"You know once Nate told me the first thing I wanted to do was run to you and tell you straight away." Margot stated, with a glint of regret in her eyes. "But I thought that the truth would've hurt you more, so I hid it from you. The last thing I thought would happen was that Nate would grow a pair and actually tell you the truth."

"He shouldn't have told you anyway." Blair shook her head. "If he was going to tell someone, why couldn't it just be me."

"Because he didn't want to admit that the golden boy of Manhattan had messed up in an astronomical way." Margot started simply with a small smile on her lips.

"And I should've focused on that more, rather than how much I thought you'd betrayed me!" Blair exclaimed, looking ashamed of herself. "You were the only person who was there for me, in so many ways and I let my stupid pride stop me from seeing that."

"So are we back to being best friends." Margot stated as she slowly walked around the coffee table.

"I would really like that." Blair stated reaching her hands out for Margot, who without hesitation clutched on her hand hands her thumb gently rubbing her skin.

"I saw on gossip girl that the war between you and Serena is finally finished, with very limited causalities." Margot stated with a small smirk on her features. "You really are growing up aren't you."

"Had to happen at some point."

"That's true enough but remember you are imperfect." Margot stated, but she noticed the look on the Waldorf girls face. "And that's fine, B, because none of us should be perfect at 16. So much more like to live and so many more mistakes to make."

Blair rolled her eyes playfully. "Why are you always the voice of reason."

"Call it a lifetime of tragedy makes you put things in perspective." Margot commented with a slight frown forming on her face.

𝗽𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗰 𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗺, gossip girlحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن