5 - Shakespeare In The Park

Start from the beginning

'And yet you read the mind of a god.'  I snort.

'Oh come on, your not much of a god if you're not even Asgardian.' Loki's glare could have melted the ice caps. 'Yeah. I know about your asshole father taking you from Jotunheim.' His eyebrows are raised when I call Odin an asshole. 'I'm not a witch. I come from another universe where you guys are from movies.' I think I just gained his interest even more. 

'A movie? And who may be your favorite character?'  I blush deeply. 'It's me, isn't it?'

'Shut up.' He only smirks.

'I haven't said anything.' Jerk. I glare at him and thunder rumbles across the sky. It's Thor time. Loki looks nervously around the area. 

"What's the matter, scared of a little lightning?" Steve taunts

"I'm not overly fond of what follows." Loki catches my grin. 

"I hope this lightning doesn't hurt you." His forehead creases as I say the punchline of the joke. "If it does, you might be a little Thor." 

Now he gets it. He rolls his eyes and a loud thump can be heard from outside. Tony puts his helmet on and I grab Loki as he tries to prepare himself for escape. "Oh no you don't." 

Tony opens the door and Thor jumps down onto the ramp, punching his hammer into Stark's chest. He looks at me for a second and I gesture to Loki, who he grabs by the throat before launching himself out of the jet. 

"And now there's that guy." 

Nat swivels her head around. "Another Asgardian?" 

Steve stands up from where he was. "Thinks he's friendly?" But Stark doesn't care. 

"Doesn't matter. If he frees Loki or kills him, the tesseract is lost. Watch the kid." Stark walks over to the edge of the jet. Cap takes a step forward.

"Stark, we need a plan of attack." I smile, knowing the words to come. 

"I have a plan, attack." He jumps from the plane and into the empty sky. Next thing I know, Steve is grabbing a parachute. 

"I'd sit this one out Cap." Nat inputs

"I don't see how I can." Easy. Put the chute down, sit your ass in a seat. Wait for it to be over.

"These guys come from legends they're basically gods." Steve just continues to tighten the straps. 

"There's only one god ma'am. And I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that." He grabs his shield and jumps to join Tony. Now it's my turn. I'm not missing out on the fun. 

"Don't even think about it." Nat doesn't even look around but she knows what I'm thinking. 

"Aw come on! I'm not missing out on Shakespeare in the park!" She looks at me in confusion. "Never mind. I'm going anyway." Before she can say anything, I jump. Oh shit. I forgot a parachute. I am now free falling towards the earth at 88 miles per hour I may as well be shot into 1955 (Back To The Future reference there). Screaming, I brace for impact but instead of dying, I hit a soft substance that saves me and breaks my fall. When I'm done panicking, I look down at a glowing green light which disappears quickly, causing me to hit the ground with a thump. I look up and see Loki and Thor staring at me. 

Thor had picked Loki up from the ground and had his brothers armor scrunched in his hands. In a raspy voice that I have picked up from my impact, I say, "Thanks for saving me. Really appreciate it. Okay. Go back to where you were. Can't believe he's alive, mourning and stuff." 

Thor turns to Loki. "I thought you dead." After a quick look at me, Loki repeats what I said. 

"Did you mourn?" It took all of my strength not to snicker. 

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