5 - Shakespeare In The Park

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We were in the quin jet. Below us, I could see multiple Loki's forcing the public to kneel before him. He was such an attention seeking twat. I could barely see the old man that stands up to Loki. But he was there. And he was about to die. Steve didn't see him. He was busy talking to the pilot. Bloody hell these guys were useless. 

"Uh, Steve! The guy down there is about to die!" Steve rushes over, sees the threat, and jumps. He lands in front of the man just as Loki takes his shot. It hits the shield, leaving both men unharmed. Loki is thrown to the ground. Steve says his line but I can't hear it. Damn it I needed to be closer. 

Without thinking, I jump. It's going to hurt, but I do it. Bracing myself, I land on the ground and roll not-so-gracefully, landing on my back. Loki's eyes flicker to me and glares at me before looking back at Steve. 

"The soldier. A man out of time." I gesture to Cap as he makes his comeback. 

"I'm not the one who's out of time." Natasha brings the jet closer and brings out the machine gun. 

"Loki, drop the weapon and stand down." Loki aims his staff at the jet and takes a shot which Nat expertly avoids. Cap goes after Loki, hitting him with his shield they start fighting. Steve is knocked to the ground by Loki. Standing over him, he points the scepter tip at his helmet.

"Kneel." 'Not today,' I mouth quietly before Steve says the line himself. They get at it again and I look expectantly at the jet, waiting for Stark to make his entrance. Music echoes through the sky and I smile, looking for the man in red and gold. He arrives, dramatic as ever, and shoots a blast at Loki who is flung to the ground. He then activates his weapons and says one of my favorite lines out of the entire MCU.

"Make a move Reindeer Games." There it is. I can't help but smile. Loki's armor and helmet disappears as his illusion drops. "Good move." Tony deactivates his missile and puts his hands down.

"Mr. Stark." Cap greets

"Captain." Stark turns to see me. "Hey Skydive. What are you doing here?" 

I shrug. "Saving your universe apparently. And I managed to convince Fury to let Cap take me along for the ride. It wasn't hard, he's been waiting to get rid of me ever since he got landed with me after you." I think he smiled, but I couldn't tell through the armor. Nat lands the jet and everyone helps cuff Loki and get him loaded onto the ship. I was looking forward to meeting Thor, but I didn't say anything.

Loki remained silent the entire trip, although he kept staring daggers into my skull. "Will you stop staring, and no I'm not a witch." He just looks at me pointedly at the fact that I read his mind. I was still getting used to this whole mind reading, telepathy thing, so I honestly had no control over it at all. 

'When I am free, I will make you suffer you mewling quim.' 

Right. I was sick of his crap. I stand threateningly, and go to at least punch him in the face, but Cap's hand catches my arm and he hold me back. 

"Y/N. Don't. He's just aggravating you." Yeah I knew that. It was the fact that he was succeeding which was messing with me. But I didn't argue and just sat down. I heard Fury's voice, over by Nat. 

"Has he said anything?" 

"Not a word."

"Just get him here. We're low on time." Tony and Stark started whispering and I concentrated on talking to Loki.

'You're a jackass, you know that?'

And you are a pathetic excuse for a witch.'

'I am not a witch.'

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