II. Cafe

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A bit of erasermic in this chapter :DD


September 23rd, 10:45 a. m.

Izuku walked down the busy street, enjoying how lively it currently was.

He was currently heading to the grocery store since his mom needed him to fetch some items they've ran out of.

Izuku started to softly hum one of his favorite songs, as he sped up to a jog, saying "excuse me" and "sorry!" constantly as he ran into people.

When he reached the store he was slightly out of breath, though was still doing fine.

He went into the store, grabbed a basket then started to quickly walk around.

Izuku quickly got all the items he needed, though making sure to not bump into anyone in the semi crowded store.

He quickly made it to the checkout and paid for everything, thanked the man at the checkout, then dashed out of the store.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and checked the time.

12:20 p. m.

Izuku didn't really need to go back to the apartment yet so he went to the cafe nearby.

When he went in Izuku greeted the girl at the counter, who looked about his age and seemed to have pink skin, and simply ordered a black coffee and paid for it.

After it was handed to him, Izuku went to sit down at one of the available tables.

He looked out the large window of the coffee shop while taking a sip from his coffee.

It wasn't often he went here but whenever he did, he always found himself looking out the window the whole time.

He then heard the bell right, indicating someone had enter, and it soon was followed by what based on their voice, a loud man seemingly talking to their friend who just huffs as a response.

Izuku turned to see two people he recognized, Present mic/Hizashi Yamada and Eraserhead/Shota Aizawa.

Yeah they weren't in their hero costumes but it was still easy to tell it was them.

Izuku tried to ignore them but it was hard to considering the fact Yamada doesn't know how tO SHUT THE F-

considering the fact Yamada wouldn't quiet down.

He noticed Aizawa seemed to be rather annoyed by his loud friend as well and then the tired looking man finally said something.

"Zashi please fire the love of god can you please quiet down? I can feel all the people staring at us and it's bothering me."

He said in a quiet monotone voice and after Yamada realized what his friend said he quickly shut his mouth and nodded, finally taking a bite of his donut he'd been neglecting ever since he got it.

Aizawa just chuckled and leaned over to kiss Yamada on the cheek who instantly turned a bright red and started to stutter utter nonsense.

Izuku quickly finished his coffee and left the cafe after he heard the conversation between the two pro heroes, feeling like he was intruding a bit too much.

He rushed back to his apartment and unlocked the door.

"Hey ma I'm back with the groceries." Izuku called out as he closed the door behind him with his foot.

"Izuku! Your finally back! Did you get everything?" His mom, Inko, said in a happy tone as she walked towards her son to give him a hug.

"Yeah I think I did. Might've forgotten something though." Izuku chuckled as he hugged his mom.

"Well after I put everything where it should be I'll be in my room kay ma?" Izuku said as he walked off into the kitchen.

He heard his mom hum in response as he started putting everything away.

After Izuku finished putting everything where it should be he headed to his room.

When he got in he looked around and sighed,  there were clothes scattered across the floor along with crumpled pieces of paper that had scrapped support item ideas on them.

Izuku got to work cleaning his room, putting all the clothes in the laundry basket, the crumpled pieces of paper in the recycling and also cleaned up his desk which was a total mess.

After the whole cleaning montage, Izuku's room looked a crap ton better than before.

Izuku collapsed onto his bed, extremely tired after all he did today.

He was planning on going on a patrol tonight but honestly he felt way too exhausted to do Shit like hoping from rooftop to rooftop, he could just do that tomorrow night..

After a nice, long, nap.



Izuku woke up and rubbed his eyes.

He reached for where he had placed his phone last night on the nightstand and grabbed it to check to time.

September 24th, 9:48 p. m.

Izuku just stared at his phone..



Y'all ever slept for more than 24 hours?

Cause I haven't but it's one of my goals in life

Anyways love y'all! <3

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