Elated. Interested. Anxious.

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It took only a split second to slip right through the silvery lining that wrapped Wakanda. Like a cocoon around this precious place, it provided a barrier, protecting the country from those who would take for granted everything that made it special: the technology, the culture, the people, and the sheer beauty of the landscape. What an incredible thing to experience the quick transition from a complicated world to this paradise.

But this paradise had it's own complications. At least for Natasha it did. Even as she marveled at the experience of gracefully entering Wakanda for the first time, she had a large pit in the bottom of her stomach. Moving through the barrier should have been like walking through a curtain to relief, as it was for the others, but Natasha was filled with anxiety.

The break from running around the globe, completing secret missions with what was left of the Avengers (the rogue Avengers at least), was supposed to be a delight and a reprieve. Steve was looking forward to break after the emotional exhaustion of the fight against Tony and the others. After having to be there as Tony found out that his parents were murdered by one of Steve's closest friend's. After feeling like he had let down Tony to protect Bucky.

Sam was ready for some time off as well. He felt incredibly guilty after what happened to Rhodey and silently struggled not to take it out on himself. He knew that it really was nobody's fault, it was an accident, and Steve took every chance to remind him, knowing Sam would never admit his upset. But he couldn't help, but feel the sadness of watching Rhodey fall out of the sky and plummet straight towards the field.

And for Natasha, she'd felt so torn during the Civil War itself. How to stand on both sides, with all of her family, trying to do what was right for the world and for her only friends. Natasha always struggled to find the right side after her long history with the KGB and then SHEILD. She had been so shaken after finding out that SHEILD had been infiltrated by HYDRA and she had never been able to truly escape her past. How could she "go straight" when every time she tried it turned out to be corrupt?

And then she was forced to pick sides amongst her friends, her family. It felt like a divorce and she was doing everything she could to keep them from smashing apart. Steve and Tony may have led the Avengers, but Natasha protected them from the inside out. Keeping the portal open in New York for falling Tony, battling with Steve in Washington, so many years with Clint. Natasha had tried to do right by all of them in the Civil War and hoped that she could pull them back together, if only after some time apart. Natasha didn't give up on those closest to her

After the Civil War and the terrible battle with Tony, Steve had brought Bucky to Wakanda, hoping to keep him away from those who sought to imprison the Winter Soldier. Bucky had asked to be put back on ice until more could be done for him, for his memories, and T'Challa offered his home. T'Challa had a hunch that his brilliant sister, Shuri, could surface memories that Bucky had lost through all of the wiping that HYDRA had done. Shuri had.

Natasha, Steve, and Sam had still been quietly completing small missions that the United Nations Accords council hadn't chosen to act on, while Bucky quietly, coldly slept. But they were burnt out. They'd expected they could just keep pushing themselves to keep going, do more for the world, do more for themselves, but it was catching up with them. One time of being a little sloppy on a job was enough to realize they would be better in the field after a rest.

And that's how they ended up flying a quinjet through the majestic skies of Wakanda on the way to the royal palace. A respite to recharge themselves after all the fighting. A break well-deserved.  If that wasn't enough to give them something to look forward to, Bucky had finally woken from his frozen tube and Shuri had been successful in returning his memories to him.

Steve was elated. Sam was interested. Natasha was anxious.

"Reckoner" - Radiohead

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