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We were on our way to go see captain Levi when I heard a strange sound coming from a cupboard? by his office. And no, get your minds out of the gutter. I tried to slow and listen but my two best freind dragged me along despite my trieng to pull back.

We had been outside Levi's office a few minuits, 'come on, I could have checked that broom closest'. It was at this point Levi walked up and I was also very glad my previous thought out loud.
"Stand up straight" he said and glared at me spesificly?!?
"And no you may not ask we're i have been, some brats aren't my only dutie"
Whith that he span around into his office with out inviting us, HIS GUESTS, inside.

He was standing behind his desk leaning, one foot on the the wall. I couldn't help but notice the red/purple puffy ting to Levi's eyes I'm sure won't there before and on further inspection one of his arms was shaking as he tried to hold it discreetly - to keep it in place... or something els?

(Sorry this is so short (and that it's a cliffhanger), I liked how the cliffhanger ended, because I'm mean to anyone who might read this. I'm also lazy and tired)

The unexpected truth about Levi Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat