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Levi pov

Opening my eyes I am immediately on high alert. All of my surroundings are new and unrecognisable. The only thing I am accustomed to is Eren sprawled out on the floor unconscious. Jumping to my feet I sculc around the odd looking house, looking for tell tail sighs of other presences. Things like foot prints, marks in dust, or doors ajar - alas I still have no clue of our wear abouts and if me might be attacked. I'm unwilling to admit moments later I jump up in surprise. There is a low groaning from the floor. Is that Eren? I forgot he's so pathetic sometimes.
"Shut up!" I hiss. I don't care if I'm being harsh, this is important.
Luckily he does as I instruct but looks at me bewildered. Coming closer he whispers in my ear, "I'm sure your as confused as i am but Im really not feeling to great"
Now that he mentions it, nor am I.
You'd imagen whatever these people gave us would effect me more, im physical smaller and a bit weaker as well as my head being easily manipulated but apparently it's taking it's tole on Eren much more.
"Sorry about that.
We need to find where we are" he looks but taken aback and I am being harsh but he needs to stay in his right mind, awake, until we know we're safe.

After much searching there is still nothing to point out danger, however things are very different. We have deduced that we're not in the same reality, or at least, something of a similar situation. Eren has fallen asleep but I can't. Instead I walk around the appartement. I see something I somehow overlooked, paper with numbers on it. There is a smaller piece of paper attached to it, I pick it up and try to read it.
After not being able to read it I am angry, im a grown man and yet can't read. People must think I'm really stupid.
Moving back to the calendar I can read the words doctors and jab. That doesn't sound good.

I'm scared, I don't like needles.
I don't want to go to a doctors.
I don't know where I am or how I got here.
And I can't read anything to know what on earth is going to happen to us.

My anger crumbles and I'm on the floor. Despite all of the pain I've been through, somehow this feels worse. The uncertainness of everything is too much. The pressure is rapping around my head and seeping into my mouth, choking me. It is only now I realise I'm crying. How could I let this happen?
"Levi?" I just about make out Eren murmur. Still I can't move I'm frozen body compressed on itself.
I feel vibrations in the floor, who is it? I'm going to die!
That's when I feel erens hand wrap around my waist and him pull my into him. As he leans his chin on my shoulder and whisper/talks, "hey~ it's ok. We'll be fine, I promis. Are you scared or do you feel ill? Can you tell me what's wrong?" He says all this, it overloads me but also calms me down at the same time.
"I-I" I cry once more but more controlled this time. I can feel a familiar haze spread over my mind as today's emotions and events become too much. This is aided by the pains in my stomach,  constant stabbing pain.
"Let's got some good" eren says. I am surprised I could agree so easily.

As daddy looks he finds something I've never seen before but it looks and smells very tasty, apparently the box sais pizza.
Daddy feeds me the food as he tries some too. He doesn't seem to eat much, "daddy, why you not eating?"
"It's ok princess, daddy is eating his just not feeling too good at the moment"
"Ok" I say.

Continuing I eat this delicious food. The owies in my tummy goes away bit but feels crampie. I begin to whine.
"What is it baby?"
"Yuckie" I sniff and rub my head into his chest.
"You feel sick?" He asks
I shake my head, I don't feel sick exactly. He goes to coudle me as confort but it hurts. His hands are on my belly, rubbing it gently.
"Aw, baby. Daddy knows it'll feel better soon.  Your ok, it'll go away soon, I promis."

I don't know what's wrong but his words, the warmth and even the familier hurts relax me. soon my thoughts are sporadic as I sleep. "Night my little one"

A/N- this has just been sitting here. I thought I'd published it but it was sitting in my drafts... oops

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