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TW: meantion of abuse


'Where am I? I feel like crap....hold on. Where am I!' Jumping up from were id previously been lying there was a groan from next to me. 'The Titan brat?  What on earth is he doing... wherever this is.'
"Hey ba-" he faltered clearing his throat he tried again
"Hey Levi" he tried to look cool but was blushing profusely
"Brat" I spit back "we're am I and why the hell are you here" this wasn't a question it was a demand. Wrapping his hand around his body Eren began rubbing the back of his neck 'god this must be good' I thought sarcastically.

~after a long explanation~

Crumpling back into the bed I began to space out, I only became aware of this after Eren ended up punching me. Shaking my head I was brought back to reality. That rude retaliation of feelings and thought once more was not pleasant and reminded me of all thouse years dissociating while getting yelled at and beaten. Hands slightly shaking I rub my face, "Levi I-" he tries to say but fullters.
"Whatever just, just leave"
He gives me some space before coming in a bit later with a light something to eat, just to keep me going I suppose, and what looked like flowers. "H-hi! I brought you this... you don't have to eat it all but I want to make sure you've had something. And well urm, have these." He says blushing and turning away while shuving the baukay towards me. As I was about to question him I sore the sweat stains and mud marks around his clothes and skin, 'he must really have worked hard to find these' "tch, thanks Eren"
He looked so pleased, so happy he was almost glowing. 'Is that just because I called him his name? Whatever' I make the desition to put these thoughts aside.
"So, Eren, you don't think I'm weird. Even more of a freak than you always have?"
"Levi!" He looked aghast "I've never though you were a freak! Admittedly you have your ways and strange tendencies but so do we all, it doesn't make you a freak. And no, this isn't one of your 'strange tendencies' it is a perfectly valid and helpful copping mechanism!"
He sounds so patinate, he's been seeming distant lately but I sour the old Eren then, I could see the hope flicker back into his eyes.
"Eren I... Thank you"

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