Memories and the meeting Cpt 2

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Morning had came for the next day. Schlevia was laying awake on her bed when a knock came for her door. Schlevia got up and opened the door the see Asari at the door holding a pretty big book.

"Fitari toki ni tika wanik lera English, rika? (Fitari told me that you wanted to learn English, Right?)" she said. Schlevia nodded in reply.

"Leva stavi"

That day was one of learning for Schlevia, since Schlevia was a quick learner and Asari was actually amazing at teaching, Schlevia knew basic English at the end of the day. That day went by like the last and it was now 10:00 at night. Most were asleep, MOST. Schlevia was twisting and turning in bed until she fell of onto the floor, snapping her out of whatever she was in. Fikati, being awake, rushed to see what happened, opening the door to see Schlevia on the floor.

"Uuhhhh.... are you ok?"

"I- I fell." Replied Schlevia.

"Are you hurt?"

"Niss, I'm fine (no)"

"Okay, that's good" Fikati wasn't the best during the night.

"I was just re-remembering something's"

"Must've been some bad memories then."

"Sa, they were.(yes)" Schlevia looked quite shaken by it.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Fikati offered

"I-I only remember fire and loud noises." This information was familiar to another's past that Fikati had heard before.

"I-I remember a man in the middle of it all... I can't remember his face for some reason."

"It's ok, you don't have too," Fikati reassured her.

"....l....l think he was the cause of it all. I'm not too sure though." Schlevia squinted as if it would help. "My memory it too fuzzy."

"It's ok to have fuzzy memory." Fikati tried to reassure her.

"But it's like I don't remember anything about my past... there's nothing." Schlevia contradicted.

"... A friend of ours might be able to help you, her name's Sakia, her past is similar, except everything was, well, is clear to her." Fikati offered. Schlevia nodded

"For now, let's get to sleep." Schlevia nodded, feeling exhausted creep up on her.

"I'll see you in the morning." Fikati said as she closed the bedroom door on her way out. Schlevia got under the covers and fell asleep.

Morning drifted in quickly. Schlevia waking up to the noises of those awake. There was a knock at her door, opening it to a Fitari actually looking decent in formal looking clothes, no not a dress.

"Why are you dressed like that?" Schlevia asked.

"Me and Fikati have a UN meeting, since you're new we have to take you with us, so wear this." Fitari explained, handing Schlevia formal, and new looking clothes. Schlevia nodded, closed the door and changed. She soon walked out seeing Fikati out the door and inside a car, something strange to her. Fitari and Schlevia walked to the car, Fitari getting Schlevia situated in the back with Fikati. Fitari got into the drivers seat and drove down the road. Minutes passed when they finally arrived at a tall, metal building that had many windows. Fikati helped Schlevia this time. There were a few other countries there, earning Schlevia a few stares, making her uncomfortable. When they walked in, Fikati went straight to another purple country and chatted with them. This left Fitari to take Schlevia. Fitari took Schlevia into the nearby elevator, pressing the button for the 47th floor of the building. The elevator doors opened and Fitari took Schlevia down a hall to a sky blue door that had a name plate with the name 'United Nations' on it. Fitari knocked on the door, earning a muffled "Come in" to be heard. Fitari opened the door with Schlevia nervously following behind. Once inside the office they saw the two rather large white wings of UN folded behind his back, along with his arms being folded back. He was facing away from them, looking out a window that was behind his desk. The organization turned to face them. He was wearing a pale blue suit with white accents on it.

"Fitari, whose this with you?" He had an air of authority, but he seemed nice enough.

"Her name I'd Schlevia, I found her 2 days ago in the forest during the evening." Fitari answered calmly. Schlevia stayed silent.

"She doesn't seem to know much about modern technology, she has been taught basic English." Fitari added. UN nodded.

"Is that all?"

"Yes sir."

"Then you may leave, take Miss. Schlevia to the room near the meeting hall, I will tell you when to get her." He ordered. Fitari nodded, taking her leave with Schlevia with her. They entered the elevator again, this time going to the 67th floor. The doors opened and they walked down the hallway. Making their way to a door next to a large one. They walked in.

"Stay here until I come get you ok." Fitari stated.

"O-okay." Schlevia nodded. Fitari left and entered the meeting hall. Soon, a lot of noise filled the hallway and soon stopped. Minutes had passed when the door opened, making Schlevia flinch. It was simply Fitari there to get her.

"Come on, it's time." Fitari informed Schlevia. Schlevia hesitantly followed Fitari. They entered the hall and the attention of most went to Schlevia, making her look away instantly.

"Relax, they won't bother hurting you with UN around. Then again, a doubt many would even try." Fitari whispered to Schlevia. Schlevia, still scared, only peeked at them. Most looked friendly, some, not so much.... (*cough* North, China, and Ukraine *cough*)

"This is Schlevia, a new country, do be nice to her." UN informed the rest. Some said hi, while other waved. A few glared. Schlevia looked away still. Fitari dragged Schlevia with her to sit down, making Schlevia sit next to her. On Fitari's other side was Fikati, while a cherry pink country was on Schlevia's other side. Schlevia laid her head down, not knowing proper manners. The pink one notice, tapping on Schlevia's shoulder, successfully grabbing Schlevia's attention.

"You should pay attention, it's rude not to." Her voice being familiar to Schlevia for some unknown reason. Schlevia ignored her and looked away p, causing Fitari to bump into the conversation.

"She mean sit up." Schlevia listened and did so.

The meeting continued normally. Fikati, Fitari, and Schlevia were told to stayed behind.

"I have a schedule for Miss. Schlevia, she will be staying with a group, or, one of the countries for a week at a time in order for her and them to get to know each other. Fitari, since you found her, you will go with her." UN informed, causing Schlevia to have an internal panic.

"So this starts today?" Fitari asked. UN nodded in response. They then left, so they could prepare.

"A-am I obliged to do this?" Schlevia nervously asked

"If UN said so, then yes." Fitari answered her. They soon made it to the house. Fitari went to go pack their things, and Fikati went to tell Asari and Fitsiji the information.

"Let's go," Fitari came into the living room with the 2 suitcases, one barely full. Schlevia followed Fitari into the car, and the drove off to the place they were to stay this week.

Get a cliff hanger >:3

The pink country

Her name will be revealed eventually

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Her name will be revealed eventually

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2020 ⏰

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