newt imagine four

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Letters from Newt
(I apologize for how much this will hurt in advance)

Dear Y/N,

It's rough that I'm about to leave the last people I know and love. Every second hurts a little bit more. I wrote this and asked Tommy to give you it when he told you what he'd done. I imagine you're pretty buggin' mad at him. Don't be. I asked him to.

Because the truth is Y/N, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I'd become a Crank and hurt you. What if I had killed you? Tommy would have had to kill me if you were gone anyways. It would hurt too much.

As I slowly start going crazy without you, I'll be happy. At least I'll know you're safe. And soon I'll be safe when Tommy keeps his promise and comes to find me.

It was my plan from the beginning to get off The Berg. No Cranks bloody came for me. I left and found them. I figured it would hurt everyone less if you thought I'd been captured. I wouldn't seem like the coward I am.

What will it be like to die Y/N? Do you think it'll hurt? I like to think that it'll hurt a lot. One last moment of pain and life before I collapse lifeless just like Chuck. Then it'll be over. Speaking of Chuck, maybe I'll see him. Maybe he'll be with his parents finally. And Alby. I've missed him so much Y/N. Maybe all the Gladers will be there that we lost. Zart, Winston, Jack, Frankie, I miss them all. They were my family and I couldn't save them. Dying is the only way for me to repay that.

Y/N you are the light of my life. In my last moments as I beg for my death, I will think of you. I'll think of your lips on mine and the way you smile. You are so bloody beautiful Y/N and you don't even know it. I know you'll probably hate me for doing this but please, Y/N, please. Forgive me. I love you Y/N. I hope you'll always remember that.


P.S. please don't hate Tommy.

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