Chapter 10

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(Sorry it's been so long, everything has been crazy lately, anyway, thank you so so much for 1.1k reads!!! Love you guys 💖)(This chapter is going to be quite short but I'll hopefully soon update you 🤞)

I grab my purse and walk out of my dorm, I walk down the 3 flights of stairs when I see Luke in the corner of my eye.
"Hey, Yasmin, wait up." Luke calls to me.
"I've really got somewhere to be right now, can we talk later please?" I ask walking down a few more steps but still making eye contact.
"No, I really need to talk to you." He says this time stepping on the same step as me.
"Okay, but I need to meet someone so-..." My words are cut off by Luke and my lips touching, he grabs my arms still kissing me, I try to push away from him but his grip is too tight, he finally let's go.
"What the fuck Luke?!" I shout.
"What? I thought you'd like it." He puts his hands in his pockets unfazed.
"You cant just go up to people and kiss them without any reason." I begin to raise my voice more this time.
"I had a reason this time." He says with a dirty smirk on his face that I wanted to slap right off.
"What was that reason?" I ask surprised that he could say such a thing. "Well..I'm waiting." I say again.
"I really like you Yasmin." He admits.
"You know me and Hero are dating." I say abit too loudly.
"What?!" Two voices echo down the hall. I turn around to see Hero at the bottom of the steps.
"We arent dating Yasmin, what the fuck have you been telling people." Hero says confused. By the time I turn around Luke has already disappeared. Hero starts to walk off.
"Wait, Hero!" I say trying to chase after him.
"I cant believe, you've been telling people we are dating, when we clearly arent, how many people have you told now?" He says with no hesitation.
"So you dont want to date me?" I ask quite hurt about everything I just heard.
"You are avoiding the question Yasmin." Hero asks again.
"You are too, I'm just confused from Luke kissing me to-..."
"Wait, you kissed Luke? You are unbelievable Yasmin." He says stomping out the building.
"Why would you care, if we arent dating?" I say still following him through the car park.
"Idk Yasmin, just fuck off and go away, I need some space." Hero says opening his car door.
"But I-..." I give up and walk back up the stairs to my dorm when tears start to fall onto my rosy cheeks. I walk in to the dorm to see Krissy, sitting on the bed, with a blanket over her. She pats the bed,
"I heard everything, I'm sorry." She says and I walk over to her bed and snuggle next to her when the tears begin to pour.

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