"Did your father hit you Jane?"

"No it wasn't him" I sigh.

"So someone did hit you?"

"Enough Sebastian okay, Jesus yes someone hit me, it was Mike because I wouldn't fuck him. So his dad shipped him to some boot camp" I heave tears stinging at my eyes.

It has been a week since the list came out, Theo disappeared on me and the hoodie freak hasn';t said anything. I am leaving tonight. I was battling whether I should tell Sebastian the truth or lie to him but the his pleading eyes made it hard to continue lying. I turned so I could face him. Some things in life you can't do on your own.

"Sebastian I have to tell you everything I've been keeping from you but you have to understand that you might get hurt."

"Together till the end right?" He squeezed my hand and in that moment I realised, I didn't always have to be alone.

On the drive to school I explained the tapes, the storks project and how the dark hoodie guy is connected. I even told him about Theo, the tension was so thick you could cut it with a butcher knife.

"That is a lot to go over" Seb rubbed his temples. He parked his black mustang in its usual spot.

"I need to leave home Seb after this graduation, It's not safe anymore plus I'm running away this time-" I paused when a cop knocked on my window.

I rolled the window down so I could face the cop. Who looked like he wanted to be any where else but a high school graduation.

"Miss Johnson we have been advised by your father to keep watch."

FUCK!! I mentally screamed in my head.

"I don't think that's necessary sir" I tried to push him away, he was going to make this difficult for me.

"I'm sorry ma'am but orders are orders, from here we will be taking you home"

Before we excited the car Sebastian slips something metallic into my hand. I look down.

"A pocket knife?" 

"Something feels off today and after what you just poured out keep it."

I didn't realise how many cops were there once we walked into the hall. What the hell was happening?

"Why are there so many cops tonight?" Seb whispered into my ear.

"I don't know but we have to figure out how to leave without being noticed" I whispered back.

We took pictures and acted like we were actually here for the ceremony. One by one we followed the monotonous routine. Smile, shake, picture and walk off.

"Sebastian?" I whispered looking straight a head.

"Yeah?" He whispered back.

"I don't want to say goodbye" he held me closer and kissed my head.

"I know J, me neither."

Who knew ending things with someone would feel this heart wrenching. I still had to be honest with my feelings.

"Thank you Jane" I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion.

"For what" I raised my chin so I could see his face.

"For showing me how to love someone"

A tear rolled down my cheek but he wiped it away gently. Our moment was interrupted by a stressed looking  detective Richards with her entourage of wayward cops.

"Miss Johnson you need to come with us Mr Dawson has escaped our hold and a threat has been made upon your life-"

Without warning a bang was heard. The gym started to fill up with thick clouds of smoke. I felt someone grab my arm and pull me away. At first I thought it was Seb until I heard him yell.

"Jane where are you!" It was Seb but from a distance.

I tried to fight off the assailant until I felt a gun pressed up against my back. 

"Come on you little bitch your daddy wants a word."

Sheriff Waters dragged me out of the gym into the cop car. He shoved me into the back and I made sure to hide the knife on the side of my underwear. Someone is dying tonight, it's inevitable.

He stopped at my house and I looked at him confused.

"Get out"

I got out and walked into my house, an ominous foreboding hanging over my head like a dark cloud. I could here soft sobbing echoing form the dining hall. It was illuminated with saffron light from the fireplace. I spotted my mother her face bloody from being beaten up.

"MUm?" my voice shakes.

"Ah Jane take a seat" My father stands being my mother who flinches.

I stay frozen where I am.

"Did you hit her because of the list?" I raise.

"Jane sit, now" He sniffs

"What's the Storks project!?" I challenged him.

All of a sudden I felt a sharp sting on my cheek, it ringed in pain the same place Mike struck me. I was on the floor, holding my face to sooth the assault. I tasted the metallic blood in my mouth. He squatted down so he could be at my level.

"You will stop asking questions Jane for your own good. Watch her for fucks sake while I make a call" He nodded to my mother who kept her head down. He walks past me and she stands taking out a knife while his back is turned and slits his throat. He drops knocking his head on the glass sculpture.

"Oh my God Mum!" I scream and she drops the knife.

She squats down to me and looks at my face tears streaking down her face mixing in with blood on her face.

"He can hit me but never you Jane, no one can hurt you. You are my baby okay?" She cries and I just nod.

She hugs me to her pulling me close to her chest. Growing up she never really affectionate but she did show that she loved me in her own way. This took me a back but with with all the emotions running through my mind I would take what I could get.

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