Wake Up

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"Connor?" Markus was shocked. "How..."

"You think we have any idea?" Gavin interrupted. "If I knew what happened or where he went I can guarantee we wouldn't be here!" He was clearly starting to lose it.

"Gavin" Chloe's soft voice calmed him down almost instantly. "We may have no idea where he is, but you are the only other androids who would know where he could possibly be."

All three of the androids looked at one another. Wondering all the possible outcomes. They all suddenly looked straight at Gavin, and motioned for him and the other two to enter the house.

"Do you know where my boy is or not?" Hank cut in on deaf ears.

"Gavin, there are very few places he could be." Simon said.

"There has to be something you know that could lead us right to him." North finished.

Gavin sat there wondering what the hell it could be. Then he remembered that these three don't know of Amanda's return, and probably not of Amanda period. Unless Connor somehow brought it up in some weird conversation.

"Well... when Connor was made, there was something in his head, well, someone" Chloe said.

"Her name was Amanda, and she was originally placed in Connors head as a guide of sorts, till she wanted more. And almost took control of him during his deviancy at the revolution. Damn tincan nearly ruined that whole thing if he didn't stop her intime," Gavin said.

Everyone was silent, processing what Gavin just said.

"How do you..?"

"I'm Elijah's brother. Well, a copy of him anyway. You think I wasn't told everything?" Gavin answered.

After a brief silence, North spoke up. "Well, where do we start?"

"Where it started" Markus cut in. "Cyberlife."

Hank looked at him, and smiled a bit.

"Let's go get my son."


The ride to Cyberlife was too quiet, making it take even longer. Everyone is anxious to save Connor. Gavin started to fear facing what Connor could potentially be. But Connor was the most advanced android, so he should be fine. Right?


Connor couldn't take control again. He looked around and noticed that in his mind, it wasn't the same. It was... just darkness.

"Oh Connor, you really shouldn't have fought back all that time ago. Things would've been so much easier, for both of us." A hint of a smile was in that vile woman's voice. "Now you just stay here, and be a good deviant."

Connor knew he could get out. He did it once, he'll do it again. He'll fucking do it again. Amanda was not going to hurt anyone anymore. She shouldn't even be here. Yet I am here. How strange Connor. Guess you aren't as advanced as you thought. Right She can literally hear his thoughts. She's in his head.

Connor immediately got up and started moving around the damp area around him, in search of that emergency exit.


Once everyone arrived, Hank was the first one out of the vehicle and already running towards the building. However, the androids could already feel something was off.

"Mr. Anderson! Please wait!"

Whoever called him, should've known that call fell on deaf ears. Hank didn't even turn, he just kept running. Everyone quickly followed after him.

Hank ran up the stairs while calling for Connor.

"Connor! My boy!" Hank kept repeating as he got higher up. For an old man he really had the adrenaline rush to find his son.

Although after reaching the 47th floor, a certain buzz hit everyone's ears. Connor. They slowly walk towards it, Gavin taking the lead. Upon rounding a corner, hunched over in the middle of the room, eyes staring blankly, was Connor.

The androids could feel the battle going on within Connor. Hank couldn't feel anything, but the scene before him nearly broke him.

Without a word, Hank was at Connors side.

"Connor, Son? Can you hear me?" he cried. "Please my boy," He turned to Gavin. "Gavin, I know you don't like me, or Connor, but please-"

"Yeah yeah, of course i'm helping the kid." Gavin said casually, though deep down he was actually terrified, because Connor is definitely going to fight back once another android comes close and tries to interfere.

While his heat started thumping he turned to the others and said "Whatever happens, don't interfere." Before connecting his arm to Connors, a powerful surge rushed through him, as he tried to probe into Connors mind.

The obvious happened and Connor's body came to life, though it wasn't really Connor. Immediately the fight began with Gavin constantly trying to reach for Connors arm, but also trying not to get caught between Connors hands. Suddenly the memory is back once again, catching Gavin off guard for a moment. But that moment was all Connors android body needed. Now Gavin was tackled, and this time held down firmly by the throat. Both his arms pinned by "Connor's" knees.

And that was nearly it. Gavin felt his body moving into overdrive. His stress level, going too high. He was going to finally shut down, this is it. As he was finally about to shut down though. He came to his senses for one more moment, and noticed that Connor was no longer on him anymore.

:You're a fucking moron if you think se're going to let you die!" Hank yells, as he's holding Connor from the back. The trio Markus, North and Simon holding down the limbs. While Chloe is holding Connors wrist, her eyes rolled back.


"Chloe? What are you doing here my dear?"

Chloe stood infront of Connor, staring at Amanda with a very neutral expression.

"I simply came to protect my friend." She responded. "Amanda, the world is not yours to control, I wonder what your favourite student would say about this?"

"Elijah was merely a tool. The moment i met him and saw his capability, I would finally show how small and weak human minds were to control. Do you ever wonder how i convinced him to program me into the system when i died?" Amanda spoke. "He's a means to an end, he knows it now, and i intend to conti-" Blood was brought to her lips. A robotic arm pierced through her. Chloe stabbed Amanda with her own arm.

"I think you should allow yourself to just come to your end. There's nothing left for you." Chloe said, as Amanda slowly fuzzed out.

A small grunt came from behind Chloe. She turned and saw Connors eye's slowly come back to focus. His posture straightening up. Though as hre stood, he was very wobbly.


"Chloe? What... how..."

"I knew her as well, along with Gavin. She expected him, but not me. So i was able to sneak in easier and catch her off guard."

"It was... that simple?"

"Yes... now its time for you to wake up."

Making Amends (Connor x Gavin)Where stories live. Discover now