Act 2, Scene 2

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Seriously, Othello? You gave me 12 lines of nothingness to work with? Where there's no detail, but the structure is necessary for the plot? This... this is why I shouldn't have started writing this story.

Adrian has a routine every morning which involves checking his university emails. And when he does, his stomach twists into a knot of stress tighter than welded metal. The email, wit its uncaring format, reads:

Hi all.

Can you please come to my office, Room 307 in No. 5 University Gardens. I have something to discuss with you.


Prof. Othello.

Adrian clicks on the 'forwarded to' link, reading the names of who Othello referred to as 'all'. Ronald Knox, Grell Sutcliff, Adrian Crevan, William T. Spears.

He exhales deeply, thinking his stress will leave along with his breath. But it remains clogging his arteries, lodged in his throat. Does Othello know? How could he? He doesn't know... he can't know... Innocent, benevolent Othello cannot possibly know, and if he did, it would surely killl him.

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