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She didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She just sat frozen in time trying to process what just happened.

"Oh my in seems we have scared her a bit."

The lady smiled awkwardly.

"Yes, I suppose. Shall we leave then?"


"Ok. Please have a nice rest and we can talk later, little miss."

She smiled sincerely and went after the overseer.

'Ehehe they must think I've completly lost it.'

It was impossible not to see the pitiful look the doctor (assumed she is one) was giving her. The overseer though, he looked at her with interest for just a little while and then suddenly found whatever he was holding way more amusing.

'He must think I'm in a delirium or something... hey what if I'm really somehow imagining this! In a delirium... hmm isn't delirium something when you die or bleed or...? HRRRRR!!!! I have no idea I haven't had biology classes for 2 years I'm lucky I remember where my limbs are! Is there a phone or a computer or something here somewhere?'

She tried getting up to look for a phone which obviously couldn't have been there in the first place. She felt more or less fine so it should be ok to walk for a bit. When she tried to get up, she had to jump of the bed.

'Weird. When the doctor sat on the bed it didn't seem to be too tall... Whatever Schicksal's weird furniture choices are the least of my worries now.'

She kept looking around the room. Nothing special. It was even simpler than an average hospital room. Other than the questionably tall bed there was also a biger chair, the annoying lamp from before and a small table. There were some papers on it.

'Damn. I knew I should have learned Chinese back in high school. What kind of an originally French organization keeps their documents in Chinese anyway??? Are those actually documents though, I mean who would just leave them just laying there? I feel like I'm misunderstanding absolutely everything...'

Then a white curtain caught her attention.

'Pffttt... why choose white curtains? It makes me feel sick just by looking at them, kind of has a strong hospital feel... wait this probably IS a hospital... nev... never mind than. HEYY!!! I- I LEGITIMATELY FORGOT BECAUSE OF THE POOR COLOR CHOICES BUT...'

She carefully pulled the curtain aside revealing a wide window. Dragging the chair so that she could reach the high window was humiliating but at least there was no one to see. The view was breathtaking. Tall buildings on the metal island floating above the sea were not the stuff you see everyday and the differently colored night lights from the towers were reflecting in the water and it all looked so unreal, she was lost for a moment but it didn't take long for something to ruin her enjoyment. She was speechless now. The girl whose reflection she saw in the glass... it had to be her but... she didn't look right. Her hair was a lot longer (and was actually brushed for once, just for the record) and her eyes were a way lighter color, she couldn't distinguish the exact color in the glass window but they used to be dark brown and this was definitely not it. And on top of that she looked drastically younger. She was like a little kid. Her skin was too pale as well. Aside from a few clean bandages, all those burns and cuts she remembered were gone.

'Is it only me or do I look like I've never seen sunlight in my life... or had a haircut for that matter... and on top of everything I look like someone should donate me some milk... But my face is so nice and clean! Ehehe not a single acne! And my lashes too! Just look how gorgeous those are!'

"Enjoying the view?"
"...y- yes."
"Oh my, we didn't seem so shy at first, did we?"

Melisa only shyly looked away. It wasn't that she was really embarrassed but it was better to play dumb until she knew how to deal with the doctor she didn't know anything about. Some  people only pretend to be nice. If this really was Schiksal she had to be extra cautious whatever she did. Besides it was rather embarrassing to get walked on while rubbing your cheeks and admiring your own face.
The doctor came to her and wrapped her hands around her waist. She carried her to the bed and sat on the other side. If you consider Melisa a little kid, it looks quite natural, heartwarming too, but it made her, who was almost an adult, feel a little uneasy.

"Are you feeling a little better now?"

'Yes, yes, those beautiful 5 minutes I had been given were divine, thank you on being so considerate, generous lady.'

"...yes...t- thank you."

"Alright do you remember anything that happened before coming here?"

'Yes, I played a game about this world and you were so unimportant that your face hasn't appeared even once.'

"There was... a lot of smoke and... I thought a bomb was dropped on my city. I think I had burns too... I remember someone holding my arm as well and that's all I think."

"But what about things before? Do you remember anything else? Like your family or friends?"

She lightly shook her head.

"Than do you remember something about yourself? What's your name?"

"It's... Melisa I think."

"See that's good. I'm sure you'll eventually remember everything else too."

'Hmph. It not nice to lie to 'little kids' you know. The disappointment in her eyes when I said I remembered my name was too obvious. Guess it's to be expected, she's barely an adult, she probably started working only a little while ago so she's quite unprofessional, she could have been someone's assistant and that's how she saw dozens of infected little kids like she boasted before. Schicksal would probably prefer for me to remember nothing except maybe some ugly and/or traumatizing details about honkai. Than they would be my saviors. Such children are probably the best tools they can get. Gross. It's just gross. That doctor was so excited  to find that a young child had been suffering? A DOCTOR! How should be HELPING her! Just how two faced and immoral can one be?'

"Do you have some questions for me now?"

The doctor, how was uncomfortable with the silence, thinking her patient might remember something, hurried to change the subject.


"Oh my I forgot to tell you about this place, didn't I?"

'She's panicking now. How knows I might even be her first patient...'

"Well let's see... first, the thing that caused the disaster in your city was no bomb it's called h...! Oh my, my it is ringing, it means they're calling me so I have to leave. Um... you can read whatever you need here."

"Miss doctor please wait! Is... is my hearing alright? I didn't hear any ringing..."

"... yes... let's get them checked later."

She slammed the door behind her.

'She completely lost it so quickly... no wonder she was never mentioned... Do I have to check the book she left? Does she really think a kid my age (my age by the looks) can read? Honestly I don't really care about some Schicksal propaganda. Let's just take a quick look. Blah, blah, blah, honkai=bad, Schicksal=good, everything else also=bad... blah, blah, Otto's a saint, Anti entropy's evil, blah, bl- WAIT WHAT YEAR!!!??? 1995!!!??? IT'S 1995??? I SHOULDN'T EVEN BE BORN NOW!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!??? I'm going to cry. Ain't this fricking awesome? I'll get to experience ALL the traumatizing events in the story! And honestly since I'm so unimportant what are my chances to survive at all!? NONE! NONE AT ALL! HURRAY!'

"I was supposed to be an adult soon! I almost topped up for the first time!!! I could have gotten into a Tetris competition. Hypothetically. WAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!! WWAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!"

'Hmm... how high is this room? If I start throwing random stuff out will I be considered insane (don't want to kill anyone though, it ain't too tall, is it)? If so I'll be sent to some mental health facility or something. I'd prefer even jail over Schicksal HQ anyway... Let's see........... Fuck. The window's sealed.'

Honkai impact 3rd: I just want to survive!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu