Chapter 10: The legend of ether

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Stupid education. There were no classes on Wednesday because of the adaptability test crap and now I need to work on weekends too. Bullshit. It's not that I find this hard it's like first grader stuff and I'm not that stupid, but it's so boring. Hrrrrrr!!! When Alice saw all that shit in the Schiksal records she was terrified at first, but since two of us were basically losing our minds she tried to stay rational and she started questioning me about anything out of the ordinary I could have felt and the stuff she asked was utterly pointless (I pray that she was just in shock that something like that went down in front of her unnoticed, because if Schiksal is this medically pathetic right now we can all jump into a river and die from a cold) and I had none of these supernatural symptoms (SURPRISEEE) so she just gave up and said that she'll ask around but she's sure it's no big problem or I would have felt something already. Wasn't reassuring at all. And how is she planning to "ask around"? "Hi, how are you? Do you know if some undead kid will die anytime soon? Oh, the one from a month ago some narco-addict doctor was in charge of her! You don't? Oh, what a shame! Well thank you for your help, I'll make sure to call your astrologist friend for help too!" All in all, I might be doomed and I might not be (than again, if you're on this floating hard to burn fortress it means that you must be doomed emotionally or physically and I'd rather be emotionally doomed thank you very much!) and if I am there's no help with it so I'll just be ignorant and enjoy my second youth (or last months before I become a zombie or something worse who knows). Still, some of Alice's weird symptoms actually sounded interesting. Wish I had a second personality. But like, not a result of schizophrenia or some trauma or something. Like the stigma or herrscher ones. But I'd rather have neither since the people with it are awesome and all but they either die damn early or grow old and crazy. Still if I'll die of honkai soon anyway, it wouldn't matter much, right? Oh, what am I even saying!? I might be going crazy with only one personality now. Hey, can I fake madness? I think I could pull it of. And I have favorable circumstances for it too, traumatized kid and all. Am I too young though? Nah, you're never too young to go crazy. Then I wouldn't have to attend classes. I say it's worth a shot.

"Miss Betelgeuse!"

Oh, no.


Stupid bitch, send me to Isuka's mother and I swear...!

"Miss Betelgeuse, now that you have graced us with your attention, could you repeat today's lesson in short, please?"

Shit she got me. If she said count to 100 or something stupid, I'd be fine, but since she just said "today's lesson" I'm doomed.

"Um... could you be a bit more precise, please?"

"Precise? I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean? Could you tell me the name of today's lesson?"

Fucking nerds have already cleaned the stupid board.

"Have you not been listening to today's lesson at all, miss Betelgeuse?"

I really have a bone to pick with a person who put Betelgeuse as my surname. Like, it's a star from Orion and Orion's a winter constellation and even though I never mentioned that I was born in winter it's still like a nice nod to it. On the other hand, Betelgeuse probably already has or if not, very soon will explode so it's not really a good omen... and honestly, without context it sounds just terrible and I'm pretty sure it means 'Orion's armpit' so in conclusion fuck them all.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know what today's lesson is."


I ended up having to stay in the classroom and do an extra test that is clearly way harder than today's lesson, but I'll do it anyway because she said she'd grade it and then I'll have enough grades to miss the next test in the future.

Name: Melisa Betelgeuse

Geez, sounds like a fortune teller or something.


This isn't even math anymore. Is this some grade final test or something? Fuck that teacher, I already did a lot and that's the only reason I'll finish this.


Hrrrr I always hated chemistry. And I never understood the point of organic chemistry. I prefer to leave chemistry to the smart peoples. WAIT! Ether... sounds familiar... than again all those chemistry names sound the same- I KNOW! I remember now! Ahahahaaaa!!! It was like an urban legend in my high school... about some students setting the entire (outdated) lab on fire with it. I never believed it, but it was one of the most interesting stories about school.


If it's one out those evil pigeons begging for food I swear... Oh, it's Isuka... throwing bottle caps at the window...?

"You can't come in if that's what you're trying to ask. I got detention."

"You got detention? I just thought you were volunteering to give the cleaning lady a few days of- I KNOW YOU GOT DETENTION! THAT'S OBVIOUSLY WHY I'M HERE! NOW HELP ME CLIMB IN!"

"Climb in!? What shit have you been on recently!? I'm on the second floor and you're barely tall enough to open a window! And how are you planning to climb in!? Should I cut my hair and throw it so you can use it as rope or something!?"

"Well, I'm not going home, Alice and my mum are screaming at each other again and it's annoying!"

"Well, you aren't coming here either! Go feed your good friends pigeons or something!"

"Anything! I'll do anything just help me up! Please!!!"

"Than come back with a bottle of 40% ether and we can talk!"

She said something but I closed the window before it could reach me. Now she won't bother me and she'll be busy trying to learing what ether is while I'll finish this shit in under an hour, give the teacher whose name I can't recall a heart attack and than I'll play tetris or touhou project or whatever Homu version of the two exists here. Its a shame there's no Homu alternative to Honkai... I'd never say this out loud but how much until the Kallen fantasies come out?

Authorrrrrrr!!!!!!!!! Eh, this one is quite a bit rushed (but it's ok cause you had no real expectations from the last all chapters) and it is shorter than any chapter so far but I felt bad since the last update was an eternity ago so enjoy my mediocre writing as usual. I'll do my best for the next chapter to come out as soon as the school allows. Love you all!!!

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