Chapter 12: Noting happened

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"I think that ether is very dangerous and you should put that bottle down and quietly and carefully return it to where it came from before we get in trouble."

"So you think it works!"

"I KNOW it works and that's exactly why you need to forget about it!"

"But if only..."


I cut Isuka off as quickly as I could. I could hear the sound of cheap heels damaging the floor beyond repair complimenting the screeching voice of their annoying wearer. Isuka figured it out quite quickly and hid behind  some moldy closet or whatever that piece of garbage was supposed to represent. Moments later an always-angry hysterical lady without a teaching diploma slammed the door open. She glared at me with a satisfied smirk on her face.

"Mrs. Betelgeuse! Are we finished yet?"

"... ack, easier on my ears please... I'm almost finished, three questions left."

She looked at me with a mix of amusement, ridicule and hate directed towards myself, the entire world and herself.

"Well, that is great to hear. Please bring it to the teachers' office when you're finished, I need to leave early."

"Hmm? Leaving early? And is there such a place as a teachers' office?"

"Yes, Mrs. Betelgeuse, there is in fact a place called 'The teachers' office', it's down the hall and to the right, it's less than 20 steps from here, there's a sign hanging from the celling that reads 'The teachers' office' and on the door it's written 'The teachers' office'. I believe it would be impossible to miss."

"Thank you very much for your guidelines teacher. But why are you leaving early?"

"Because my shift finished 2 hours ago, sweetie and I have some unavoidable business to attend to."

"Ah... I see... than... teacher... could that rumor about your brother being arrested... true...?"

"WWAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!??? ARRESTED!!!??? What are you even saying!? I don't even have a brother!? You brat...!"

She might has remembered that she is in fact a teacher, so she took a deep breath, counted something quietly and gave me a most plastic smile I've seen in a while and said:
"I have date."
Then she did what I was probably supposed to see a dignified turn around or something. When she stabilized on her heels again, she looked at me over her shoulder (her nose looks quite pretty from this angle actually, perhaps she should start doing everything over the shoulder)  and muttered the scariest threat there was:
"And after that I'll have a talk with some of the orphanage staff afterwards."
She slammed the door behind herself.

"Hmph, what a bitch, I'm glad her date is gonna be a flop."

Isuka who was braiding random strands of her hair while sitting in the middle of a pile of trash spoke up.

"How would you know about her date?"

"Well, if her date isn't into self-absorbed whores who let their anger out on innocent little kids, I don't think she'd have a chance."

"Don't be rude. She's quite ok actually, I think you're the one who gets the worse of her out, really."

"Jeez, thank you, best friend..."

".. buuuut if you'd still like to stay ignorant of your surroundings and take revenge..."

She shook the ether bottle.

Deep breaths. In. Out. In. Out. In. Ow, screw this.


We ended up leaving the bottle open right under the air conditioning. I know nothing will happen, but the feeling of adrenaline hitting while we were leaving the classroom felt too good.

After this I left my test on the first table in 'The teachers' office', than Isuka and I went to her home (because mine sucked), we got Alice to cook for us, nobody learned about Isuka stealing the ether, I went to the orphanage latter (I made sure to stay under the roofs because I'm not going through bird incident again), got shouted at for a little while, than I washed my hair with some really nice shampoo and went to bed. A good day. It was a really warm night though. In 6:34 am I was woken up by a sound of an explosion.

Oops. That's all this author has to say. If someone's still reading I'm really sorry (again), I will try my best to be more frequent and I will do my best to improve in the future. Thank you for your time!!!

Honkai impact 3rd: I just want to survive!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang