Pink Roses

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Everything was going to shit, in Liz's opinion. Her and Morgan got their job done, now on their way back to the federal building. News of an explosion had leaked as Liz drove like a bloody maniac, losing Morgan accidentally. She answered a call from Garcia.

"What's going on, Garcie? Is everyone okay?"

"I've got Morgan and Prentiss on the phone with you right now. Rossi and Reid called, they're okay." Garcia replied.

"I'm following Detective Brustin to one of the NYPD's critical incident command posts." Emily spoke. "JJ was heading back to the hotel in an SUV and she's not answering her phone."

"She-" Everything went dead.

"Garcia? Derry? Fuck!" She banged the steering wheel, being forced to take a completely different, and longer, route to the building.

Minutes passed and she was reaching the federal building until a call came. "Ellie, where are you?" Spencer sounded so panicked, it broke Liz's heart.

"I'm going back to the federal building, why?"

"They're evacuating. You have to come to me. Hotch and Kate's SUV is the one that blew up, in the plaza."

"Are they okay?" Silence. "Are they okay?" Her voice was louder.

"Just come here, please."

"I'm sorry, baby, I gotta go help them. I love you."

"No, Ellie, don't."

"I love you." More silence.

"I love you too." She floored the gas, ending the call. When she arrived, she got out of the car, pushing past every single person and threw herself to the floor on her knees next to Hotch.

Liz sobbed over Kate's body, seeing her so lifeless. She wasn't dead. She was bleeding out. "Kate, please. Stay with me, love, please." She begged as Hotch wrapped an arm around her sobbing figure. A medic approached. "Morgan went after the unsub." He informed, hoping to bring a sense of comfort to her.

Everything went as a blur until they got Kate on a gurney. Liz immediately jumped into the driver's seat of the ambulance, Hotch slipping into the seat next to hers. "Where's the closest emergency room?" She yelled at the medic who tended to Kate in the back.

"St. Barclay's." The medic sounded bored.

"Where is it, dipshit?" Her chest was heaving and her cheeks were flushed red from anger. 

"It's 4 blocks uptown, one block East. Emergency entrance is under the hospital, just follow the signs to the ER." Liz began driving. "Hello, look who's back."

"Is she awake?" She kept her eyes on the road, resisting the urge to turn her head.

"Is that E?" Her voice was still soft.

"It's me, love. We made it." They continued the frantic drive, reaching the hospital in no time. The ambulance was stopped at the entrance. "What's this?"

"Secret service. We're directing all emergencies over to Lenox hill." The man spoke.

"I'm SSA Bundy, this is Agent Hotchner we've got SSA Joyner on board. She was injured in the bomb blast at federal plaza."

"I appreciate that, agent, but this hospital is on a strict bypass. Unless you have credentials." Liz frantically searched her pockets, remembering that she left her credentials in the jacket she wore that day. Spencer's jacket. Her credentials were with Spencer. "She won't make it to Lenox hill."

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