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"Excited, Millie?"


A week after I had got my letter, I found myself in the car on the way to London, or, as Dad said, Diagon Alley.

Dad had showed me his wand a few days ago, and I decided that that was definitely what I was most excited to get. After I had opened my letter, Mum and Dad had told me that Dad was a wizard, who had attended Hogwarts. Mum was a person called 'a Muggle', meaning a non-magic person. However, having met my Dad in previous years, knew all about the wizarding world.

Let me tell you, I had never been happier. From what I'd heard from my parents, that was my adventure! That was my dream come true. They claimed that he had never told me about magic, because they wanted me to live a normal childhood. They also told me that we could go to Diagon Alley to pick up my school things. I had never been to any part of London before, as we lived in the countryside. All I knew was that Dad worked somewhere around there.

About an hour later, we pulled up outside an old, shabby-looking pub. I jumped out of the car instantly, grabbed both my parents hands and began dragging them up the busy street.

Dad laughed, pulling me back gently. "Millie, you're going past it. We need to go in here."

"Need to go in where?" I asked slowly, glancing back up at the pub.

Mum grinned. "The Leaky Cauldron."

I continued staring at the building cautiously. I noticed out of the corner of my eye a sign, which before was blank. However, looking at it more closely, I let out a small gasp as writing appeared on it - 'The Leaky Cauldron'. My mouth dropped open, while Dad placed a hand on my shoulder and led me forward, as though that was the most normal thing in the world.

The three of us shuffled into a large room. It was extremely crowded with people, but it was also completely silent, as though the world had paused; everyone was staring at the same thing - a very large man, with a big beard and lots of hair. As we were near the entrance, I could only see the back of him. My eyes widened when I properly took in how tall this man actually was, at least 4 times as tall as Dad, maybe more.

And then everyone began moving as quickly as they had stopped, rushing forwards to greet the man, all smiling and shouting.

"I never thought I'd meet you!"

"Thank you for everything you've done-"

"Take my hand-"

Confusion hit me once more. Who was that man?

I glanced behind me at my parents, where they too, were staring at the same spot. Dad was staring at him with an almost pained expression on his face.

Frowning, I crossed my arms and faced them. I must have caught their attention, as they finally ripped their eyes away from the apparent celebrity.

"Poor boy," Mum whispered. Boy? He looked more like a fully grown man to me. "We'll explain later," she added, noticing my confused expression.

"Okay?" I said anxiously.

"Let's get out of here." Dad took both Mum and I's hands and began leading us towards a back exit across the room. Thankful to get some air, I quickly followed him, but not without one more glance at the man.

That's when I noticed him - a young boy with emerald-green eyes, which were darting from person to person. He stood in front of the tall man, which was obviously why I hadn't seen him before. He clearly had no idea what was going on. His hand was being thrown from person to person, everyone trying to shake it. So he was the celebrity, not the man.

I suddenly became aware that they boy had changed the direction of his gaze; he was now staring directly at me. Blushing slightly, I quickly sent him a dirty look in an attempt to cover up my embarrassment. All he did was smirk slightly, however, before turning away to continue greeting people. Frowning once again, I crossed my arms and followed my parents out of the back door, who had been gaping at me.

"What?" I asked, walking into a small courtyard, which contained a few bins and a brick wall.

"Millie, you gave him a very dirty look!" Mum exclaimed, sending Dad an anxious look. "After all he's been through!"

"What do you mean after all he's been through?" I said, scoffing. "He seems to me like a horrible, obnoxious boy, who clearly thinks he's better than everyone else."

"He's not just any boy," Mum told me, lowering her voice. "He's the Boy who Lived".

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