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Ugh," I groaned, flinging my head back towards the evening sky, as I walked alone into the road of my house.

Just two more weeks until I started my new school - a secondary school. I hated school. Well, I hated my primary school anyway. It was just...boring. All I wanted was for something interesting to happen in my life; something exciting. I liked my life now, I did - I loved my family. Perhaps it was because I was too loud, or perhaps because I unknowingly pushed people away, I wasn't that popular. I had always dreamed of having a big adventure, but so far that dream hadn't come true.

I thought that was mainly because I had convinced myself I wasn't normal. And it was true. I was just different to my classmates. Like the time we were on a school trip to the theme park and I wasn't allowed on a ride because I was too small, only to find the barrier to shrink, letting me through. Or the time I was really excited to buy a pet hamster, but when we got to the shop there was none left, however when I got home there was one sitting on my bed, with a cage and all. Weird, I know. Things like these always seemed to happen. I didn't know how, I didn't know why. All I knew was it didn't seem to happen to anyone else I knew.


Mum flung the front door open. What now? Speeding up, I jogged the last bit of the path to stop in front of my mother.

"Yes?" I answered innocently.

"Where have you been? You've been gone for hours!" she cried, leading me inside and shutting the door behind her.

"I went for a walk, I was bored," I said truthfully, shrugging my shoulders and following her into the kitchen.

"You're always bored, Millie," Dad said, looking up from his newspaper and chuckling.

"I guess." I shrugged again, biting into a cookie Mum had just handed me.

"What're these for?" I asked. My Mum only ever baked for special occasions.

"Well," she said slowly, sitting down next to Dad on a kitchen stool. I watched them expectantly, leaning on the counter.

"We got a letter today...from a school..."

"Oh yay!" I rolled my eyes and swallowed the last of my cookie.

"No, not your secondary school," Dad said.

I raised my eyebrows, straightening up. "And?"

"And they have offered you a place," Mum told me slowly, her mouth curving into a small smile.

"Really? I didn't know we even applied for another school. Why is the letter so late? Is anyone I know going? What's it called-"

"Woah, woah, calm down, Kiddo," Dad said, pushing himself up and handing me an envolope. "The school is called Hogwarts."

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