Ren reluctantly plays nanny

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In short, she expected some more appreciation.

Right now, Sally and Demi are sporting similar apprehensive looks while Abby beams back at Ren, still a bit shy.

"What's with the face?" Ren asks, genuinely curious.

"I want the front seat!" Abby jumps, about to pull the door open but Sally yanks her back. "Abby, no. Er, the backseat would do for us."

Sally ushers both Demi and Abby into the backseats while Ren continues frowning, "Why-" she turns around to face them after they settle in, "Abby can sit next to me. Or is there some age limit for sitting in the front seat?" That is a genuine question. Ren thinks she'll have to buy one of those Parenting For Dummies books from the nearest store.

"No!" Sally shakes her head, smiling politely. "But Abby can be rather-"

"She means your driving sucks and we're genuinely scared."

"Demi!" Sally slaps his arm.

They're kids. Their opinion should matter less. That's the mantra of adults who get offended by certain things kids say (which hits a bit too close to home). Ren still takes offense. "What do you mean by that?" She huffs. Look at the nerve of that little shit. What does he know about driving?

"He doesn't mean anything, Aun-"

"You drive faster than lightning, to be honest." Demi generously provides his review, much to Sally's horror who begins to slap his arm some more. "I'm surprised you weren't caught by the police. And you take really, really, bad turns. Too swift. Too quick. My head hurts thinking about it."

"I think it's fun!" Abby claps her hands in delight.

Ren scrunches her nose up in annoyance. She shoots Abby an appreciative smile, slightly frustrated to see her precious hairdo in a horrid state right now, before narrowing her eyes at Demi. "Why, thank you, Demi. I'll be sure to take driving lessons from you." She deadpans before turning away.

"It's basic knowledge."

Ren whirls around fast enough to almost crack her neck. "You know, I quite liked you when you didn't run your mouth around me, or, threw sarcasm at me."

Demi simply shrugs. Shrugs.

Sally sighs next to him, and she looks up at Ren apologetically, "Sorry about Demi. He's very... straightforward."

Ren glances at her and makes a face at the excuse because straightforward isn't the word used for insufferable brats (she, too, was as same as Demi when she was a child but she isn't ready for that conversation yet). But she lets it go.

"For the sake of your poor heart, Demi," Ren says, convincing herself that she does not sound petty, "I will take gentle turns and drive slower. Satisfied?"


She does not take gentle turns or drive slower and neither is Demi satisfied.

Ren drove like the devil to the nearest store where she could buy the grocery items Priya threatened her to collect, innocently thinking that she had slowed down but Sally and Demi had other thoughts.

Sally got out of the car, slightly shaking, while Demi wobbled out after her, scowling at the oblivious woman getting out of her driver's seat. Abby, once again, looks like she is enjoying too much. Ren finally steps out. "Never felt so good to drive like some old person with fragile bones and bad eyesight." Ren exclaims mockingly, looking around before raising an eyebrow at Demi. "Only for your entitled ass."

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