Take Care [angst]

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I accidentally published this again yesterday -but NOW it's really here

Also, I'm writing my Term Paper for my Femme Fatale course for University. I use the STory "Carmilla" by Le Fanu and guys if you're into Gothic Lesbian Vampires - READ IT!  (I put you the audiobook from YT in the video above, just look up "Carmilla" on YouTube)

Also, my research question for this is "Carmilla functions as the prototype for the ungodly homosexual, which seduces and converts the innocents"  and it's all gonna be about Theory of recruitment and hating homophobes - that's why I love UNi it's giving me the chance to rant and theorize about gay vampires and I get (hopefully) good grades for it!


Summary: Ian and Mickey broke up. Well, Ian brone up with Mickey and Mickey spends his days sad and alone - except when Ian comes around once or twice a month to fuck around. But when he gets angry as soon as Mickey mentions his disorder, Mickey gets tired of him and looks for a new boyfriend.

"This is it. This is you breaking up with me"
"Really? ... Fuck"

That was their last conversation.
Ian broke up with Mickey a month ago. Mickey wouldn't beg and plead for him to change his mind - the man already stripped him off most of his dignity as it was.

Since then Mickey sat in his sad little house alone. Svetlana and Yevgeny moved in with Kev and Svet - not that Mickey particularly cared. His sister was gone, his cousin in prison and fuck knows where his brothers were.

Mickey was sad, then he was angry, then very drunk until he passed out - it was his own personal hell loop.

Then suddenly one day, Ian stood in front of his door again.
Mickey was confused and Ian didn't care to clear up his confusion.

Ian kissed him passionately and pulled him to the bedroom. Mickey wasn't sure what was happening.

Did Ian want him back? Was this Ian asking him to take him back?

He let Ian fuck him in his bed, which used to be their bed. Afterwards they lay next to each other, Mickey looked at him, he looked at the ceiling.

"So ... how are you?"
Ian shrugged, "Fine why?"
"Taking your meds and everything?"

Ian sat up suddenly, "What do you care?", he growled, "Can't you mind your own fucking business for five minutes?"
Mickey couldn't understand this - why was Ian mad at him now?
"Given that you just put your business up my ass, I thought I at least had the right to ask."

"Well, you don't.", Ian said and got up from the bed, "It's not your concern anymore how I'm doing."
Ian started putting on his clothes.
"Ian, what are you doing?"
"I'm going home, what does it look like?"
"So, what... you just come here, fuck me and leave again?"
Ian shrugged, "You gotta admit, the best part of our relationship was when it still worked like this."

That was like a punch in the face. Mickey was so stunned by that sentence, that he could only stare at Ian while he left the room.

Best part of their relationship? The hooking up? Ian tells him that after he annoyed him with wanting to have a committed relationship for ages?

How fucking dared he?
Mickey left the bed, quickly pulled on his boxers, and stormed to the door, he ripped it open, Ian was still standing on his front porch, lighting a cigarette.

"You're a fucking asshole"
Ian just sighed, he didn't even care to turn around and look at him, "Go back inside, Mick. You're making a fool out of yourself."
"Says the one screaming about how he's not his mom just to pull the same shit she always did a minute later! Get the fuck off my porch, bitch!", Mickey threw the door shut again and went back to his bed.

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