Don't come closer in my arms forever you'll be Strange (part 2/2)

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I have an important exam tomorrow - 3 courses 1 exam. Three courses and just 90 min for all of it - the best part: when we asked our professors what is actually relevant they legit said "Everything"
You can't write a 90 min Exam about EVERYTHING that was talked about in 3 courses. Also 2 of those courses were last semester.
But its gonna work out somehow... I just wanna pass it bc otherwise I have to do it all over again.

References for this part:

Andy Biersack - singer of Black Veil Brides
Lonny - Lonny Eagelton, new bass player of Black Veil Brides


The next morning Ethan crawled into Mickey's bed and woke him up.
"Ethan? Hey, what's up? Didn't we have a deal on not waking up daddy before 9 on Sundays?"
"I had a bad dream", Ethan mumbled.
"Oh no, what was the dream about?"
"I dreamed, that Ian and you were fighting really loud and then Ian left and never came back."

Mickey was wide awake at once. He hoped it was really just a nightmare both of them had.
"Yes, and Ian said he doesn't want to be in a relationship anymore and then he left without saying good-bye to me... where is Ian?"
Mickey bit his bottom lip – he didn't have to tell Ethan about the breakup, right? He didn't have to tell him that the bad dream really happened just yet. Maybe Ian would calm down and come back, that was a possibility, right? And as long as it was, he shouldn't scare his son by telling him, Ian might really not come back.

"Uhm, Ian is at work."
"Yeah, his boss called him in early, because a colleague was sick, and he had to take their shift."
"But he will come back right?"
"Of course, he will, Rockstar, don't you worry. But not today, he wants to sleep in his apartment tonight, because it's closer to his siblings house, because he will spent tomorrow with his siblings."
"Ian has his own apartment?", Ethan asked confused, "Doesn't he live here?"

"People can live at 2 places at the same time sometimes. Now go to your room and get dressed, I'll make us pancakes for breakfast."
"Yes, pancakes!", Ethan exclaimed and jumped from the bed to run to his room.

Mickey took his phone from the nightstand. He called Ian. It was pretty early, Mickey convinced himself that this was the reason why Ian didn't pick up.

Mickey made Ethan breakfast and spend the day like every normal Sunday, hoping Ethan wouldn't ask about Ian too often. In the meantime, Mickey called Ian as often as he could sneak away from Ethan, but he never picked up.


It's been 3 days.
Mickeys explanations for Ian's absence became more unconvincing.
After a whole afternoon of Ethan demanding to call Ian over his daddy's phone, Mickey sent Ian a text in the evening.

Mickey: it's been 3 days... maybe you had some time to cool down and not be so mad at me anymore. I know I fucked up, I know I deserved every word, I know you're right. I'm a coward when it comes to you. I've always been. And I'm sorry for that... but changing that is hard. All I can promise you is that I love you. You are the only person I've ever loved & will ever love. I want to spend my whole life with you and Ethan. About Ethan... he asks about you the whole time... he asked me to call you a hundred times today, that's why you got so many missed calls from me. What I'm supposed to say to him? So far I told him that you wanted to spend some time with your siblings. Am I supposed to tell him we broke up? That you won't come home anymore? Do you really want to no longer be with us?

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