Putting my weight on one feet I crossed my arms across my chest, which I held high with pride, I waited for his answer.

But the tough guy in front of me instead did just the one thing he was best at, he shoved me out his way, and walked out of the garden. And I knew he would have ran out, if his pride allowed that.

I had hit just the right spot.

And just like that my morning was brightened up contrasting to the last night's dark gloomy dream.

After an hour long warm shower, which basically included me standing gazing in front of the mirror; procrastinating, I changed into a comfy black shirt and light blue ankle-folded denims. I scanned my cell for any texts as usual and just then my cell chimed. And before the caller tune could cause chaos I answered it.

"Wassup?" I asked Clarice who rarely called before classes.

"Yeah so, Cherry and I are bailing on college today-"

"Why?" I asked, lectures would definitely be boring without her.

"Shut up and listen. So, we're going shopping for dresses and other stuff. You wanna join? And yeah, ask Felix too, he's not answering his cell."

"Okay. But I don't think Felix and I can make it. We have this project together and we should be zeroing down the topic today itself."

"Can't you do that some other day? Wedding shopping together would be convenient idiot!"

"Oh! This is for the wedding? But it's still time for that-"

"Three weeks! My loser brother has given me only three weeks to prepare for the whole thing. Do you have any idea how short of a time that it?"

That was still a lot of time, but I kept myself from telling that to her.

"How about you two go today? Then you can come along with Felix and me, anyway I'm sure you won't be able to shop for everything today itself."

"Okay, then tell Felix that he better not bail!" She cut the line as I heard Cherry asking her to rush.


"Cherry mentioned to me about it yesterday." Felix said as we headed towards the cafeteria.

"Yeah? So, why didn't she tell Clarice that you already knew and you won't be able to go shopping anyway." She most probably forgot.

"I don't know. I'm feeling nauseous today, let's get this over with quick."
He said gulping down cool water as we took our seats at the usual round table.

"Hawaii seems cool. But I'll have to ask my parents." I told him, opening my tetra of cold coffee.

It was true. Even though I was practically an adult, I didn't know if my parents would permit.

"I don't think I'll come." He said sipping from my coffee.

"Clarice will kill you. It's her elder brother's wedding. Also, flight is booked."

"You think I don't know her." He laughed.

"What's so funny? " Neil asked taking a seat besides me.

"Nothing, just thinking about how Clarice is going to make this guy,"I said pointing towards Felix,"suffer from her ordeal when he bails on her brother's wedding."

"I'll deal with that later. Coming back to present, is this Enzo guy going to show up?" Felix asked.

"He will, for sure."I smiled remembering our morning encounter.

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