Part 1

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You groaned by the amount of sunlight hitting your face in the early morning as you forgot to close the curtains. 

You turned around snuggling deep into your husband’s chest as he tightened his grip around your petite figure. He slowly opened his eyes and you were the first thing his eyes landed on. Your features were screaming splendiferousness.

Jungkook gently rubbed your bare back whilst studying your every feature carefully, your soft snores were music to his ears.

You hissed in your sleep when he tried to move you a little. Flashbacks of the last night caused you to blush as his hand found the way towards your inner thighs, rubbing them gently. 

" Does it hurt? "

You hummed in response as you felt his cold hands making interaction with your sensitive part. You slowly opened your eyes just to see him already staring at you, a bright shade of red appeared on your cheeks when you realized that you were naked.

You tried to avoid eye contact as he chuckled at your behaviour. You were a blushing mess under him.

" It wasn’t our first time? "

Jungkook placed his index finger under your chin making you look in his eyes. You pouted knowing that it isn’t the first time but it just makes you feel embarrassed. He pecked your lips before doing the after care as always.

Your phone rang brought you out of your memories. You flinched by the sudden noise and gazed at your phone. The caller Id says ‘ Mom ’ not yours by Jungkook’s.

" Hello, mom. How are you? "

You wiped away the tears which were rolling down to your cheeks. You were trying your best not to make her worry about anything or make her suspicious. 

“ Tired sweetie. Anyways I called you to inform that your dad is organizing a small get together and you both have to come. ”

She left no room for you to argue so you just agreed with her. It will be a tough time to deal with Jungkook ones again knowing you both weren't like before. Everything changed, everything.

Jungkook was the perfect husband you would ever ask for. He loves you, cares for you and most importantly he respects you until one day he comes home drunk and accuses you of being a cheater.

After that day he started to have marital affairs without hiding it from you, not even feeling guilty. He also got back with his ex-girlfriend lila, which hurted you even more knowing that she was the one who cheated on him while you stayed with him during his hard times. 

His priorities changed in a blink of an eye. He treats you like a piece of shit and treats her like a queen, he is too blind to see that he is losing a diamond for a pebble. It breaks your heart to see him making out with her on the same roof and even on the same bed where you lost yourself to him. Not only yourself but everything you had. 

You want to leave Jungkook but the fruit called love in your heart always wins in the match held between your heart and brain.

It hurts seeing several hickeys on his neck which weren't from you but then also you never left any remark in caring for him, that’s a different scenario that he doesn’t appreciate it.

You cried yourself to sleep every night in the guest room while they both were making love more like fulfilling their desires. The place beside him should be yours and it was once a time but not anymore. 

The love once you saw in his eyes towards you now it’s for someone else and for you it's just hatred. Lila didn’t move in your apartment but she comes anytime she wants and after that they both will go up in the room leaving you alone.

It feels like you were just a maid for him, who works for free. Sorry, it is known as slave. 

Jungkook gave you the divorce paper that was already signed by him but you were too stubborn to realize that he will never change like he used to be. He wasn't the Jungkook anymore you love. 

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