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Simple Potato Farmer

"Helloooo chat!!-"
Tommy shouted, rolling into view of the face cam as the chat started to greet him in return.

I was off to the side, Tommy's phone in my hand so it was like I was holding Tubbo.
Honestly- probably could do that in real life- have you seen Tubbo? Smallest thing ever.

"Welcome, welcome!" He lent forward to read the chat, grinning widely. "Why yes! That is a woman, the only woman I know fellas. Belle get over here-" He wagged his hand at me disgracefully, beckoning me closer to the streams view.

"Shut up- you talk to your mother." I countered, walking over and crouching down slightly. "Hey guys-" I waved with a grin, watching the 'hellos' and 'WOMAN''s Roll in.

I couldn't help but giggle, shaking my head. Tommy's chat was- interesting, always enjoyable though.

"She doesn't count, Tubbo tell Belle my mum doesn't count-" Tubbo's voice picked up from the background. I could practically hear the grin in his voice as he agreed with Tommy, causing me to roll my eyes.

"She counts- definitely counts. Besides you call me man." Tommy narrowed his eyes at me, scooting his wheel-y chair back a bit to make eye contact with me. "Belle,"


"Tubbo!" A laugh bubbled from my lips, Tommy shifting his gaze from our intense stare off to roll his eyes.

"Tubbo- Tubbo I love you. You're my best friend."
The stream started to pick up pace. I got into character easily, as did the boys.

We weren't different from our normal selves on stream, at all. We just, hyped ourselves up by quite a bit. Though Tommy shouted about the same amount of times either way.

That was probably just a Tommy thing.

"Okay!" He clapped his hands violently, getting our attention on him. "So today we're gonna play Minecraft VR! And I'm gonna destroy Belle."

"No- no you are not."

"Yes I am- don't interrupt me."

"I'll destroy you if anything- remember guys, I'm better then Tommy-" I grinned, egging on the normal arguments. I shoved Tommy off his chair, stealing it as my own.
I scoot closer so I could start reading the chat myself, laughing softly.

I didn't hate this. Sure all the people made me nervous but Tommy and Tubbo were great at settling my nerves.
Those two were my best friends after all- no matter how much we nagged each other.


"Hey- Hey Belle, give me that pork." I whirled around to face Tommy's character, nose scrunching up. "What?" I shook my head, waving the little stick thing around at his general direction. "No. Get your own bitch."

We had been at this for about an hour. And so far? We hadn't gotten very far. I think Tubbo was the only one to make any progress, and the only thing he'd done was make a bee farm!

I mean the farm was very pretty but speed running Minecraft was our original plan-

Obviously, not working out too well.

"Okay but I need your food." The giraffe insisted, smacking me.
"Hey!" I yelped, swinging my fist back at him in return. He spun around, bounding off towards a birch forest to escape my wrath.

Instead of following like he probably wanted me to, I sat there, watching the hunger bar waver slightly.
"You've made a terrible mistake." I grinned. Down by one hunger.

Tommy turned just in time to watch my character eat the only pork chop.


"Hey uh- Tubbo."
I mumbled, shuffling up to the others character meekly. I was hoping if I acted innocent, he'd take pity on me.

"Yeah?" The boy asked, looking away from his precious bees.

"Okay so uh-" I started, licking my lips nervously.
"I may have knocked Tommy into a lava pit- and I know I'm your favorite so I was hoping you could hide me?"

Tommy was raging beside me, Tubbo could most likely hear the long string of curses he was shouting into his own mic from my mic.

"Oh- did he die?"
I opened my mouth to respond, but never got that far.
Tommy cut me off with his loud shouting.
"Did I die- OBVIOUSLY I DIED- I'm going to kill her- come here Belle it's death- you little shit! Fucking bitch, you think your soooo tough-"

"Tubbo!" I urged stepping away from where Tommy was flailing about in real life.

The brunet, laughing, started at Tommy, hitting him with the stone sword.

"Tubbo!- Tubbo stop that! TUbbO!"
I took this chance, This saving grace, to run. Run for the hills. Literally, I booked it for the hills biome, leaving Tubbo to fight Tommy in my place.

I was a simple potato farmer- I didn't have the tools to fight that gremlin child.

As I ran Tommy shouted in the 'distance'


holy SHIT were over 400 reads?!?!!?! That's amazing!!! I didn't expect this to do so well so quickly!!! Thank you so much! I hope everyone's enjoying this random bullshit!

I don't really have a story I'm following, at the moment- maybe later I will?

Maybe I'll turn it into something cool but for now I'll stick to the joking around and random bullshit XD

MINECRAFT VR | Tommyinnit x Oc x Tubbo_Where stories live. Discover now