Godzilla: Warriors

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Osaka, Japan

The figure emerged from the water and trudged onto shore. Bits of seaweed and sand clung to his soaking wet clothing and shaggy dark green hair. His long short sleeved coat was ripped in a few places. He walked for a short distance until he found a spot of sand between two rocks. He knelt down and started digging. Finally, the object he was digging for was uncovered. It was a long katana with a charcoal grey handle, dark green wrap, and a blue hilt. The blade itself was stained blue slightly. The katana matched the colour of his clothing perfectly, along with the flame tattoo on his arm. On the blade were Japanese symbols. They spelled out a single word; Gojira.

Tokyo, Japan

Gigan was not easily impressed, but this Earth intrigued him. There were so many people all walking around and generally doing nothing. It seemed so meaningless and trivial, and yet, he was impressed.
"I should visit Earth more often." Gigan said to himself. He rummaged in his trench coat pocket and pulled out a pair of red glasses. He put them on and walked foreword. He had attracted some odd looks from civilians, probably due to his odd clothing, or his silver hair, or the fact that his hands were metal. Either way, it didn't matter. He opened the door to a seedy looking bar and stepped inside. He looked around until he saw a man in a black hoodie and ragged jeans sitting at the table. It was Hedorah. He sat next to him.
"I see you made it here safely." Gigan said.
"Hello, Gigan." Hedorah said, though it was muffled by his gas mask.
"Have the others arrived?" Gigan asked.
"Only Biolante." Hedorah answered. "The others will be here soon."
Gigan raised an eyebrow. "Biolante's here?"
"Why, yes I am." Gigan turned around to see Biolante standing behind him. Her long dark green hair hung down to her lower back. Her Chinese-style dress matched her hair in colour. Red bandages adorned her arms.
"And before Ghidorah arrives, we need to ensure that he is dealt with." All three knew who Biolante meant by "he".
"I wouldn't worry." Hedorah said. "No one has seen him in about a year now."
"Besides, we've all fought him at least once now." Gigan said, adjusting his glasses. "Taking him on with everyone else on our side should be a walk in the park."
"I suppose you're right." Biolante sighed. She looked to the side, and when no one was watching, a small vine popped out of the ground from beneath the floorboards. It grabbed a bottle of saké (Japanese rice wine) off of the counter and put it into her hand.
"We should go now." She said. "We still have much to prepare for."
The two others agreed and they all left. Biolante retracted the vine into the ground.

Monster Island

Godzilla had journeyed from the beach to his past home on Monster Island. It was surrounded by large mountains and forest. His clothes had dried off by now. By the looks of it, there was no one around for miles. He sat down with his katana in his lap and started meditating. He sat in total silence for a good solid minute before he heard something. He opened his eyes, only to see a blade flying at his face. He easily deflected the blade in one swift motion. The blade flew back to it's owner. He wore a tan brown tank top with pale red cargo pants. It matched his spiky flame-red hair perfectly. It was a man Godzilla had fought many times; Rodan. The second their eyes met, Rodan jumped into the air and started flying around Godzilla. Meanwhile, another attacker attempted to take Godzilla by surprise. He swung a massive hammer at Godzilla, narrowly missing. The hammer's owner wore a military class jacket with rolled up sleeves, and had his brown hair in cornrows. Godzilla recognized this man as Anguirus, the first person he ever fought. He kicked Anguirus in the stomach, making him fall back and drop his hammer. Before he could attack further, he turned around to see Rodan flying at him, with two blades drawn. Godzilla blocked him with his sword and swung, making him fly back several feet. The three were at a stalemate now. Godzilla put his sword away.
"Nice job, you two." Godzilla said. "You nearly managed to hit me that time."
"Yeah, yeah, we get it." Rodan said. He put his blades away on his back, making them look like wings. "Where've you been for the past year?
"Sleeping." Godzilla responded. "The world didn't need me. It does now."
"So, the mighty Godzilla graces us with his presence once again." Anguirus taunted. He swung his hammer around and placed it on his shoulder. "Don't you need Mothra to tell you when the world needs you?"
"Not necessarily." Godzilla said. "But speaking of which, where is Mothra?"
"Dunno." Rodan stated, scratching his head. "She and Battra disappeared a little after the Muto attack."
Suddenly, as if on cue, two yellow lights shined out of the ground. Two figures appeared in the beams of light, and when the light faded, they were revealed. One was a girl with long white and brown hair wearing a flowing yellow, brown, and white dress. The other was a man with black hair and a dark brown leather jacket with yellow lining. Both had yellow crystal necklaces around their necks. It was Mothra and Battra.
"'Bout time."Anguirus scoffed. "Where were you two?"
"Hello to you as well, Anguirus." Mothra said sarcastically. "We ourselves went into hibernation to prepare for Godzilla's arrival."
"It's good to see you two again." Godzilla said. "But when you go into hibernation, it's usually to prepare for something bad."
"This is no exception." Battra stated. "We have reason to believe Ghidorah is returning."
Godzilla and the others were startled to hear the name. Ghidorah was a powerful alien from far beyond the galaxy, and the king of a hostile alien army. He had come to take over Earth, but Godzilla managed to stop him. Ghidorah brought with him two others, Gigan and Hedorah. Gigan was a cyborg with forearms made of a transforming metal alloy, and Hedorah was a product of Alien DNA and the pollution of Earth. As far as Godzilla knew, all of them were dead.
"That can't be right." Godzilla pondered. "I killed Ghidorah."
"That may be true. However..." Mothra said. She waved her hands in a circle pattern, making a small projection appear. It showed three figures; Gigan, Hedorah, and Biolante. Unlike the others, Biolante came a few years earlier. Apparently, she had come to Earth as a small child and was raised by a plant worshiping tribe in South America. As she grew up, she realized she had control over plant life. She had fought Godzilla only once before, and was almost able to defeat him. She joined Ghidorah's army soon after.
"So they're back, huh?" Anguirus asked. "We can take 'em."
"We may be able to defeat them," Battra said. "But if our theory of Ghidorah's return is true, then many more will come."
"Which is why we need an army of our own." Mothra stated with a smirk.

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