Chapter 17

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Y/n pov

Hiccup and I are relaxing on the beach watching Blackbolt and Toothless fly together. Hiccup said relaxed," Finally, alone time." I said also relaxed," No destractions and no interruptions." Not even a second after we hear a yell," Incoming!" We quickly move missing being hit by the Twins' Zippleback. Hiccup yells annoyed," Oh for Thor's sakes what are you guys-" He's cut off and ignored by the twins talking about it not being long enough or width.

We look to each other Hiccup took charge going to the twins to see what's going on. Finding out their obsessed about needing a special talent for their dragon. I almost laughed at what they said got Shadowfire glad he isn't here. I had to agree with them saying Toothless is cute though. After a bit of watching the twins be the twins. Fishlegs came with a Terror Mail for Hiccup from suprisingly Stoick. We agreed to have the picnic on a later date.

We meet up finding out Hiccup dad found a Dragon Eye lense but was suspicious and I had my suspicions about it. The Twins came in with another Snotlout and Astrid telling them to them alone. Snotlout actually said he hang out with Astrid any day over doing this boring thing the twins. They leave the Twins following them still trying to get them to do it. I could tell Astrid was near her breaking point of beating the yak dung out of them.

Hiccup being stubborn decided to go I at least Hiccup into letting me "read" it again. I let Blackbolt smell it getting the reaction I thought I would. I gave it back to Hiccup I offered to go saying something isn't right. Being stubborn he refused promising to be careful before leaving. After a bit I get on Blackbolt I said serious," Not on your life am I staying here." We fly after him keeping a good distance between us to not draw attention.

We soon arrived at the island finding it was my dad after all. I said after he explained about the accomplise," I knew it." We dropped down into view Dad said calmly," I expected you'd come regardless." He comes over giving me a hug which I return. I said annoyed," You have a lot of explaining to do." He said after a chuckle," In due time
Y/n. For now we must discuss something important." Hiccup questions suspicious," Oh really?" Dad explains about being betrayed and having to use a Montrous Nightmare to escape.

Hiccup didn't believe him Dad said calmly," I still had it in me even all I've done to them." Hiccup was now confused Dad asked curious," Have you not told him about being a Nightingale?" Hiccup interjects," That tribe is a myth." Dad responds angry," Is your Night Fury a myth then?" Hiccup pauses I say serious," We were from Nightingale Hiccup. A place where Night Furies and Skrills lived peacefully with us. Until we were destroyed by an army of Dragon Hunters with no help from the Berserkers."

Hiccup looked shocked Dad spoke saying bitterly," I was the chief of Nightingale before it was destroyed. The reason I joined the Dragon Hunters is because I wanted to find the one responsible. But my foolish brother forgot about our people and devoted himself to it not as a lie anymore. That's a another reason we don't get along anymore." Hiccup looks like he's taking it in slowly. After getting Hiccup to help and getting another Skrill on our team we were ready.

The plan was for Dad, Hiccup, and I to sneak in while the Skrill destracts them. It still was going as planned as Hiccup and I are "captured" with Blackbolt being taken away to be with the other Skrill. We sit there til we hear a blast and guards leave that being our signal. Hiccup unlocks the door we quickly head towards the spot Dad said the lenses are. I didn't worry about Blackbolt sense Dad is going to free them.

We find it empty though that's when Dad came in. I ask concerned," Are you alright?" Dad responds calmly," I'm alright thanks to Blackbolt saving me." Blackbolt hums pleased with herself we all agree to escape knowing we don't have a chance in finding it and to live to fight another day. We all escape landing into a net Toothless shot up a distress signal while Hiccup did a fake yell of anger. Yohan reacted oblivious to what was really going on until it was too late.

We all escape safe and sound back at the Edge not so safe for the Dragon Hunters back at their base. After telling everyone about what we learned my dad pulled Hiccup aside to talk for a bit. He soon came back nervous and slightly embarrassed. I could only imagine what they talked about in private. Dad soon told me though that he was leaving with the Skrill to go into hiding to try and still find our village killer. But he promised to write to me when he can.

He soon left Hiccup there to say goodbye with me. Hiccup and I watch him leave disappearing from view Hiccup said to me," I'm sure we'll see him again." I said my agreement glad Hiccup is with me.

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