Deleted Scene #1

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Hello guys!

So, I know it's been along while since I've written...well, anything. Sadly, this is not anything new and isn't really long enough to be considered any kind of update. 

I feel really bad about taking so long to post another chapter of any of my works and I wanted to think you all for being so supportive and patient with me. I really appreciate it. 

So, I was thinking "what can I do to show my readers that I love them?" I just so happened to come up with this stupid idea. 

I've decided to publish this "deleted scene" as a little bit of a prize for all of you since you're so amazing and sweet to me! 

I had originally written this back in December and had wanted to put it in the last chapter of this book, but I decided to take things in another direction for the ending. 

Now, that being said, I cannot confirm nor deny that any of what is written here is actually "cannon" or true. You'll have to decide what to believe for yourself. I am only publishing this as a prize. Like I said, I chose to take things in a different direction. 

I wrote this down and almost published it, but I didn't...and I couldn't bear to erase it because I thought it was a beautiful ending even if I didn't use it in the final cut. I just happened to stumble upon it while cleaning out my PC. 

This scene originally took place in the last chapter where Writer was comforting Y/n...I wanted to use this time to show the audience the more human side of the character. 

I apologize in advance for the weird paragraph spacing. I had this saved in notebook and it made it all wacky. 

Enjoy, babies!

He knew he was about to break all of his rules...he shouldn't even be considering what he was considering...he should just push you into the next story....

But he couldn't.

Not like this.

"Come with me."

Your head snapped up at his quiet command, slowly standing to your feet and following behind him as he led you to the other side of the large, white room.

Your brows furrowed as he reach a large, wooden door, the carved wooden symbols seeming familiar to you....

You titled your head as Writer placed his hand on the door, gray eyes raising to meet yours.

"I can only give you a few minutes in this world." He explained. "You didn't get to say goodbye to Jin...but maybe you can say goodbye to someone else..."

You blinked in confusion as Writer motioned towards the door.

"He can't see or hear you." He stated. "But this may make you feel a little bit better."

With those last words, he pushed down on the handle, causing the door to open.

You hesitantly stepped inside, jumping slightly as the door clicked shut behind you.

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