Chapter 3

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"WHAT?!? ALREADY!?! Haven't even had a moment to breath and suddenly I'm going to be put in charge of the whole tribe???" He screamed turning to Atalanta.

"Trollex I know that it is not the best time but it has to be done. The tribe can't got months without a leader Trollex. And you know that."

Atalanta could tell that he was beginning to get really angry, something that barely happened to Trollex. She tried to calm him down but nothing seemed to be working.

"I- ...I just don't think... I'm ready to do this .." he softly said " everybody's going to be looking to me to make all these big decisions but.. I'm just a kid! I can't decide the way of the tribe I can barely even make decisions for myself!" He said covering his face then rubbing his temples.

" I know Trollex, it will be difficult but... at least you'll have me to help you out..." Atalanta said giving a soft smile.

Trollex looked back at her feeling a bit more calm and comforted. She knew that she wanted to learn the other types of music but didn't know how to break it to him that she would be leaving.

"Well... I'll help you as much as I can before I go..."

"WHAT? Where are you going?!?"

"I'll be going off to learn the other genres Trollex, remember? One of my life dreams?"

"B-but you can't just leave me all alone here to take care of everyone myself!"

"I've give as much input as I can but I'll only be gone for a few years..."

"Years?!? Why are you going to be gone so long?"

"Well you know how long it took to just learn how to play techno music. Just imagine how long it will take to learn music that I've never heard or played before."

" get out..." Trollex whispered under his breath.

"What...?" She said looking distressed.

"GET OUT!!" He screamed with tears in his eyes. His best friend was going to travel other places, leaving him alone to deal with an entire tribe. He felt hurt and betrayed that she would leave.

Backing away from him, stunned that he would actually yell at her, she could actually hear the pain in his voice. BDB was just sitting and watching as this all went down, a little scared with all the yelling.

Atalanta turned around to face the door, glancing back over to Trollex, hopeful that he'd realize what he said. But he just faced away from her, still upset over her leaving Techno Reef. With silence filling the room, she left and Trollex angrily threw himself onto his bed.

BDB came over: "Dude... are you ok?"

"No...Beat... I'm not ok" Trollox sorrowfully said looking up at the ceiling. "I don't know what to do... this is just getting to be to much..."

"Well, dude I know your in a lot of pain but that doesn't excuse you yelling at Atty"

"Well... I am just... upset" he said sitting at the edge of his bed and looked at the ground.

BDB nuzzled Trollexs cheek, trying to comfort his friend. It worked slightly but Trollex was still sad, feeling like his whole world was falling apart. He knew what he had to do though, he gathered himself and looked in the mirror. He took his crown that he usually didn't wear because he never thought he really would want to wear it, usually only putting his hair together with the beads. Placed the crown on his head and looked at himself, this seemed to weird him out.

Song: Reflection from Mulan

"Look at me..." Trollex sang placing his hand on the mirror.

"I will never pass for a perfect king... or a perfect son..."

"Can it be..? I'm not meant to play this part.." he sang swimming out of the room.

"Now I see that if I were truly, to be myself... I would break my kingdoms heart..." slowly swimming down the hall looking at family portraits of all generations ending with a portrait of him and his mother. Soon swimming out a window and down to an underwater garden.

"Who is that boy I see... staring strait.. back at me? Why is my reflection someone I... don't know?" He sang while looking in a reflection of an underwater pond (they actually exist, they're called brine pools or brine lakes(science fact>:3).

"Somehow I cannot hide, who I am... " he slowly knelt down towards the pond. "though I've tried. When will my reflection show who I am insiiiiiiiiiiide." He loudly sang yanking the crown off his head. Jerking his head back towards the pond, "when will my reflection show... who I am.. inside..." lowering his head staring at the crown.

He sat there and little to his knowledge, beat followed him out and quietly sat next to him.

This was going to be difficult...

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