A ✨️Special✨️ Chapter

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A/N: So after Trollstopia introduced a bunch of characters I decided that they need to be intertwined with my story.
I finally got some inspiration a couple days ago and thought that I'd write about it.
So in this story it's a flashback to when Atty and Trollex were in middle school and they were friends with Synth and Laguna.
Atty with Laguna
And Trollex with Synth
This chapter is a look back to their first all night rave since they were all old enough to finally go to one.
(Since they were all only allowed to stay to a certain time before now)

Enjoy the chapter

"Guna! Aren't you excited? We finally get to stay up all night raving!" Atty swam all around her room, grabbing glow in the dark paint.

"Oh,, I am excited! But isn't it a little unsettling to be out ALL night?" The always nervous Laguna asked her excited friend. She sat on a chair adjacent to a vanity.

"Well, we won't be by ourselves all night, we'll be with the crowd along with Trollex and Synth. We'll never be alone." Atty swam over to her friend with a brush.

Atalanta gestured for Laguna to turn around and face the mirror, she then began brushing her, then, short hair. Laguna continued to have a somewhat nervous smile, she was always a more shy type, focusing on school but still open to (safe) fun.

"I can promise you Laguna, it's going to be a lot of fun!" She tried to assure her friend.

"I'll try my best" giving a half smile to Atty through the mirror.


"BRO our first all night rave can you believe it! I've been waiting for forever for it!" Synth swam into Trollexs' room with his pack of glow in the dark face paints.

"Yea man! I'm so pumped, we even get to hang out with Atty and Laguna!" Trollex responded as he just sat in a beanbag chair.

"You mean we hangin with your gIrLfRiEnD?" Synth mocked at him.

"Yea along with your CRUSH?" Trollex threw a mocking remark right back at him.

Synth blushed at that, a deep purple showing. He looked down at his paints and grabbed a couple.

"Now chill out bro, heh. You haven't even confessed your feelings yet so don't even go after me now." They both sat down and Synth began to paint Trollexs' face.

"Fair enough, maybe tonight could be the night we both can huh?"

"Oh no bro! I'm still trying to figure myself out! Can't go after someone if I'm not concluded yet!"

"Even though I DO like her, the way she talks and the way she can go on for hours about sciency stuff..." Synth trailed off talking about Laguna, Attys friend.

"Um bro...?" Trollex snapped Synth back into reality.

"Oh sorry guess I went off a little there... hey dude, you've never even went into detail about why you liked Atty so much.." Synth continued to paint details.

Trollex blushed a little at that.

"Um well, she's just really nice and understanding, I can just go to her whenever I need her. She's also just so passionate about things, like she's been learning more and more about other genres for years now."

"Bro,, that sounds so cool! She's definitely a keeper!" Synth exclaimed while putting his paints away.

"Yea, I just don't know how to tell her because we've been friends our whole lives, I just don't want to mess that up."

"I know you'll figure it out eventually, now come on we don't wanna be late!" Synth hooked his arm around Trollexs' shoulder, leading him out of the room.


Both groups went into the large main hall of the castle. Getting ready to swim to the main square for the rave, they chatted while getting glow sticks ready.

When they were finally ready to go, they swam out of the castle down to the main square, where the queen was ready to play and lead the rave.


They danced and sang along for as long as they could, though eventually, around 1 in the morning, they grew tired and wanted to go to bed.

All 4 of them swam back to LED castle, going into the main den with soft couches and pillows. And laid down some laying on another's lap and some laying on shoulders.

They slept until later that day around noon. Getting food from the cooks of the castle.

"Our first all night rave!-Sy-Guna-Lex-Atty"

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"Our first all night rave!-Sy-Guna-Lex


Hope you enjoyed this little special!
I'll be trying to get the next actual chapter out soon!

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