{128} bittersweet

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I wrote this poem on Monday which in the United States is Labor Day. I hope you all had a good Labor Day and that your week has been going well!! To those who are going back to school and to those who already went back, I wish you a good school year filled with less stress and good grades. Above all, I pray we all stay safe and that the end of the year is a good one.

Sometimes I just want to write.

Write and write and write until I feel less blue.

I wish the words would pour out and the heartache would leave,

life would be such a breeze.

Today the words came until they stopped and everything felt forced,

forcefully juicing the lemon when there is no more juice.

It's simply not enough to make lemonade.

Oh what to do, what to do?

Today I want to continue to squeeze and squeeze,

apply enough pressure until my fingers bleed,

maybe the blood will be bittersweet, enough to keep the night at bay

and my heart content.


Sometimes the spirit is there to write and the words do not come. Sometimes the words come and the spirit is not willing. I wrote this poem out of a sudden anger and sadness that while all I wanted to do was write about something specific, the words stopped flowing and so I couldn't. Out of that moment, came this poem which I am very proud of. Don't beat yourself up when you have writers' block or when you don't feel like writing. 

Don't forget that I post here on Wattpad every Thursday and on my Instagram every Monday and Friday! Go follow my Instagram at gentlestepsnyc for short sweet poems that you can't miss!!

~ Have you ever listened to a full album?

Last year, I discovered that artists make albums and ever since then, I have been in love. I always used to be sad that they released so little music and then my music friend blew up my world by telling me that the songs that go famous/viral are only a tidbit of their music. Shoutouts to good friends who educate you and help you expand your music taste!!!

Stay safe, 


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