{22} Capable Enough

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FOR YOUR INFORMATION: The audience specifically addressed in this poem are men. 

However,I do believe any and everyone can read this poem. 

Are all Mexicans

really criminals??

All Russians vodka lovers??

Are you what they say you are

Or are you, YOU?

Are you

the man afraid to hug

To be judged and stripped

Of your highly desired


Are you

the man that abuses others

Only seeking to

prove your masculinity

Or are you the man

capable enough to

admit your faults;

to help your community

respecting and appreciating

the strong men and women

in your life?

Can I just say how fake the picture looks. 😔😞😩Cringe!! This is an addition to Poem {21}, Orange Jumpsuits. Even though I specifically zoned in on men I do believe any and everyone can read this poem.

You may already know this but, I am a proud believer in woman empowerment and I firmly support equal pay for equal work. I believe in equal rights not just between genders, but between races and everything else. I think the concept of race is just pure nonsense but that is besides the point. I have noticed that my poems mostly address women and may be a tad exclusive and for anyone who feels this way or felt that way, I am truly sorry. I am working on it and will continue to work on it. 

And I know a small percentage of you all might be thinking so.. why did you chose to write about men in such a negative light? My previous poem (you should really read it 😄😛 ) was about stereotypes and one of the most prominent stereotype I hear not only in my community but in other communities is the incarceration of men. This is not a race thing (if you want to know more about my hatred for the concept of race, let me know, I can easily write you an essay about it) but a fact that the majority of the world's prisons are filled with men. On Wattpad itself, there are lots of books being recommend to me where the main character (male and female) was abused by some male minor character and another male character must come to the rescue. This is not to mock the stories with these type of plot lines but to say that the standards of men has gone down to increasingly low levels. 

Recently my friend got into the world's shortest relationship. She had been flirting and talking with a boy for about 10 months and after some gentle subtle persuasion from the boy my friend agreed to date him. Less than three days later, he broke up with her.  All the time in my present day life I see our faith in men and young men decrease. I included these negative dark stereotypes because when girls and women in my life see men, these are the first things they think of. While I know these stereotypes are not true for all men, I know actions speak louder than words and the majority is normally the most seen. If you are a man or a boy or a teen, reading this then I hope this poem encourages you to start some change in the way we view men and women. As a people all apart of the human race, we are in this together. And to all the people offended, I promise the next time I single out men it will be about their better characteristics and capabilities. So 1000% more positive.

~Have you ever stayed up all night?


At this very second... watch me crash and burn later on today 😰😂

Showering you with my love and productivity,


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