{49} Welcoming Blades

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and EID MUBARAK!!!!!!!!

Welcome to June!! One of the best months of the year. I hope you have kicked it off with a great start!

This poem I wrote based on the prompt : Choosing one of these objects, rock, paper or scissors to fight with in a war, write about what the war may look like.

Words are like rocks.

I can throw them at you

time and time again,

and eventually you will feel numb

yet the gash will still show the damage.

The world is like paper.

We have all been given pieces, gifts

to do what we want in this world

to murder, to kill, to love, to live

yet the heart, she is like scissors.

She jabs at the minds of others,

sometimes is cut by the actions of others

yet she will never stop opening her welcoming blades.


Be kind, spread love and peace be upon all of us.

~ Have you ever seen an earthworm??

Yes, and surprisingly enough,

 they are really cute. 



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