6. ME

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Dear ME

I love you. Your so diffrent than I was. So i dont know how your feeling. But i was fine. I was fine for a long time. And then i was alone. So alone and i didnt know who to talk to. And so when i was alone and needed someone i pretended she would have been everything i needed. I preteded that she would have talked to me about life and boys and just the struggles of being in the 5th grade or 6th or 7th or 8th or 9th and even still now. She probally wouldnt have been. But i pretened i would talk about my necklace and she would show me her rings. And she would tell me stories and i wouldnt feel so alone. Im here though. Your too good for this world and you might not need me. But im here, im a mess but im here. And ive got advice and ive got so many stories (most for when your older and that you should tell your parents). I just want you to know youre not going to be alone cause im always going to be here.

I love you,

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