3. cravings

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Growing up i never had it
I always managed to avoid it
I was called lucky for that
I never felt lucky
I felt boring
So i read
I read about this thing i craved
And oh how i craved it
I pretended to want something else
I hid my true cravings behind it
And i did want that
I do want it
I found it even
For a but anyways
But with that discovery
Came another
I found what i really was craving
The thing i was told
i was lucky to be without
But i loved it
I had it in small doses at first
And then i got more
And i loved it
It hurt but it hurt so good
And so subconsciously
I held on
And i wallowed in it
Trying to hold on as long as i could
And when it was really gone
I went a while without it
Then it came back
i lived for it
And all of the looks
And all the tears
All the heart ache and late night
That came with it
I see more opertunities
To get more of this thing
This thing i crave so much
I see these opportunities
and i want to take them
I hold back tho
Cause i know
It will hurt people i care about
Hurt people i love
Hurt myself
I know its bad
And its something i should avoid
But oh in my dreams
i take the opportunities
I fufill my cravings
And i ruin my life
But i still crave it
I hold back
But know
I dont want to

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