Story 4 - "The Greater Evil"

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Based: In the (not-so-distant?) future
Doesn't follow the actual plot of the show, but Malivore is still a thing.

Vampires. Creatures of the supernatural world, with plenty of good things about them. But with the good comes bad. Yes, they have super speed and super strength, but they also have the ability to turn their emotions off whenever they want. That is hardly a superpower. Emotions are what makes people human, it's what makes them who they are. So, when a vampire, who feels completely broken inside, switches them off, what do you do? What can you do? And what have they become? On the outside, it's merely a shell of who once was, and on the inside, there is nothing but growing darkness.

And that is what Hope Mikaelson did. She'd died and resurrected. And when things got hard, when she felt like exploding, she turned it off. However, this case of an emotionless vampire roaming the streets was far worse, because she wasn't just a vampire. No. Hope Mikaelson, the daughter of 'The Great Evil' Klaus Mikaelson, was the only tribrid in existence. The very first of her kind. That made her the most powerful being to have ever walked the planet. It also made her the most feared. People hid when they saw her. People shook at the mention of her name. People trembled when she went close to them. The students at the Salvatore School did all of this. Some more than others. But not Josie. Never Josie. The siphoner tried to get close to Hope, even when she wanted to shut the rest of the world out. After she moved to the Salvatore School, Josie made numerous attempts to befriend her until one became successful. A beautiful friendship blossomed, which turned into the two having crushes, and eventually the two of them dating. Therefore, Josie took Hope's flick of the humanity switch the hardest. It ripped her heart in two when she saw her girlfriend's blue eyes lose their sparkle. When the loving look they held disappeared, a part of Josie went with it and she hadn't been the same since.

The day that Hope turned it off was also the day she vanished from the school. She left her girlfriend without saying a word. Josie wanted to be mad. She wanted to be furious. She wanted to be able to hate Hope. She even tried hating her, but after two unsuccessful days she gave up trying. Josie knew that whatever happened she would still love Hope more than anything.

It had been two months since Josie had last seen Hope. Two months of crying herself to sleep in the tribrid's empty bed. Months of wearing Hope's clothing because her sweet smell still clung to it...only just. She was running out of clean sweatshirts and clean hoodies. It didn't stop her from hugging them close to her face or sleeping with them next to her to create the illusion of Hope being there. Days passed of hoping that a pair of arms would wrap around her in her sleep and give her comfort to stop the nightmares.

The girl studied books about it, looking for a simple solution to get Hope back. The real Hope. The one who was always the hero, who put her safety second to that of other people. Her Hope. It was all useless. Any piece of information she found was the same. Each passage from each book said that returning someone's humanity is something personal to them and that no two experiences were the same. You had to find their weak spot, something that would bring them back to the light. Something that would open the floodgates, allowing emotion to wash in and never be shut back out.

She remembered all that her mother had told her, what her experiences had taught her. How her humanity was brought back and how the humanity of her friends was brought back too.

Josie didn't even know if Hope was still alive. She knew Hope was immortal, but even immortals found ways to die eventually. Hope Mikaelson knew that better than most. And all Josie wanted was a sign. Something, anything, to tell her that Hope was still breathing. Because it was torture, not knowing where she was.

All anyone at the school knew was that the moment Hope disappeared, there had been bodies dropping left and right. A good two or three a week, sometimes more, sometimes less. Josie's girlfriend, the one who gave her a talisman for her sixteenth birthday, had become somewhat of a ripper. Her thirst for human blood left trails from different places in Mystic Falls, and sometimes from other towns. Though there was never a pattern to the killing. There were no links between victims. Just people who were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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