Part 1: "They left..."

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~Izuku's POV~

Time stopped. My breathing slowed. Everything was still. All I could hear was my heart beat.

"I've started training someone new, recently..."

"He's really good and he's a fast learner..."

"...I think...that..."

"That he should be One For All's new holder..."

"H-he's a lot stronger...a-and quicker...!"

I slowly reach up to my hair and pluck a strand, bring it to my face, staring...The green strand swayed in the gentle yet cold wind. I move a shaky hand towards All Might and gave it to him. My face was covered with a shadow but my lip was quivering, my eyes were hot and I could feel my heart starting to beat faster.

Ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump,ba-dump...

He slowly took it from me and I feel his eyes on me, looking for any sign of movement...emotion...sounds... I see his hands move slightly to comfort me but I just turn around, my feet feeling heavy and started walking. I walked a few steps then stopped...

"I hope he succeeds..."

And with that, I walk away. I was looking at the ground and my face was red from my crying. I don't know how long I cried for or where I am. I just walked, my eyes cloudy from the tears, my hands in my pocket and me...I suddenly stop and look up, Shoto...

I was in front of Shoto's dorm room. My lips parted into a small smile. Me and Shoto have been together for about 6 months since I've been to UA and its absolutely perfect. He makes me feel whole and is so caring. I sniffled and knocked on his door.

Huh? No answer. I check the door and it was open so I went in. What I saw completely shattered my broken heart. 

"Sh-shoto...?" I said quietly.

He whipped his head up looking at me with eyes full of fear,

"M-midoriya, I-I ca-"

Before I let him finish I ran out,

"N-no, no no no no, b-baby please!" I hear him yell.

I ran and ran and ran, finally reaching to my house out of breath, with red puffy eyes and my face drenched from my tears. I open the door with a shaky hand trying my best not to break down right here,

"M-mom?" no answer.

"Guess she's not home..." it came out like a whisper.

I ran up to my ran shutting the door immediately dropping to the floor crying. My breathing was uneven, my hand clutching my chest, my eyes red and swollen from the new set of tears and my other hand over my mouth to prevent me from screaming. I just laid there, face first in the floor balling my eyes out. My heart feels like somebody's squeezing it. My chest feels like its being stepped on. My eyes are like a river and I feel myself drowning...

Drowning and there's nothing around me to grab on too. Everything's gone...

Everything's gone...I start slamming my hands against the ground in frustration and grief. But no matter what I do...I still see...

His face when he said,

"He's stronger.."

Breathe in.

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