Once they had left Colt grabbed my hand and took me to the blanket and made sure I sat down

"this is lovely thank you Colt"

He nodes

He goes through the basket and pulls out two boxes of food and passes me one

In it was a bowl of cut fruit, a sandwich, a slice of cake a muffin and some other goods

He sat crossed leged oposit me and wrote some thing down

***there is some more food in the basket if you are still hungry afterwards.***

"oh trust me I won't eat it I probebly will only eat half of what's in here"

He smiled and started to eat

I knew Colt pretty well now but I didn't know much about his parents he always kept that quiet


He looked up at me and nodded

"what are your parents like?"

He kept silent and was about to write something when he decided against it and put the pen and paper down

I give him a questioning look

He opened his mouth but no sound came out

He opened it again and a rumble of a sound came out so he closed his mouth

For a third time he opened his mouth

"they are not alive anymore" his voice was deep and croaky I suspected it was from not talking for so long

But I instintly forgot what I had asked him as I just pulled him in to a hug

I was proud that he could speak and to me

After a moment we part and he speaks again

"my farther and mother were both pack warriors, my farther diserproved of me for I was a omaga. One day my farther tryed to kill me but my mother jumped in and stopped him. When my alpha found out he killed my farther because he was having a affair with her. I was left alone and they started to beat me, blaming me for my mothers death. "

My eyes swelled with tears and I hugged him

He hugged me back

"I'm so sorry that happened to you" I said as we pull back

"I am also sorry that you had to witness you parents death too." he clutches his throat

I pass him a bottle of water guessing his throat was dry and sore

"Thank you, Lydia."

"always, Colt"

We end up being out all that afternoon just talking, we'll mainly just me since he just started talking again

Then stupid Rhian mindlinked me and ruined are nice evening

Mindlink (Lydia-Rhian)

"we need you back at the house alpha" - Rhian

"Whyy?" - me

"lola I's in laber" Rhian

"what! Her due date isn't until atleast two weeks" - me

"I know but its happening, Lola and John both want there Alpha here" - Rhian

"okay, I'm on my way" - me

End of mindlink

Colt gives me a questioning look with one eyebrow raised

"Lola is in labor they want me there for when there little girl comes say hi"

He laughed and stands up putting things away and I help him

Hand in hand we make it to the pack house

I walk into the pack hospital ward and ask for Lolas room they give us directions for us to head to

I knock on the door this time

"come in!" John calls

Colt whispers in my ear

"I really hope I heard him right and he said come in and not coming"

"Colt!" I shove his arm and he just laughed walking into the room

John was sitting on the end of the bed that Lola wa in

He was holding something in a blanket

As I get closer I notice it was a georgious baby girl

"aww" I coo

"I know I did good didn't I" I hear Lola say I walk to the other side of the bed to John and sit down

"how are you feeling, it was very fast pushing that little angle out" I ask

She laughed

"I'm good just axhausted"

She smiles at me and looks over my shoulder to give Colt a wave, he waved back

"what's her name?" I ask

Lola and John look at each other then back at me with big smiles on there faces

"what am I missing" I ask courisly

John with a massive and proud smile on his face answers me

"we wanted to name her after are previous luna to dedicate are loyety to her and show that she is not forgotten"

My face lights up and I had tears in my eyes

"what is your mother's name?" Colt asked from behind me

John and Lola look shocked because he spoke but quickly recover by Lola saying my mothers and the new born baby girls name


Hey guys!

I know this chapter is a little boring but I had to do a full in chapter for the next one.

I promise the next chapter is more exciting and interesting. Please





With love


She-Alpha:Alpha LydiaWhere stories live. Discover now