Part 17_lost Control

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Lydia's pov

"Colt, mind telling me why your in my territory?"

He glared at me thinking before writing

***I can not, just let me go and I can lead them away***

He speaks so properly

Daisy took control and I couldn't stop her

Our eyes turn black and she forced my hand to be around his neck

Petrified he scratched at my hand trying to stop me, I mean Daisy


Daisy let's go of him and he looked like he had shit him self, he looked like he was break down

Then I remmembered he had been abused by something or someone

*Daisy! Look what you did! You bitch! Now you scared and hurt him!*

*he wanted to leave!*

*I wander why! If I was him I wouldn't want a abusive mate! *

*it was ony my hand!*

*he's injured! Bad! Now let me have back controll*

Daisy blocked me out and I still tryed to fight her for control, daisy has never done this before, i have always been in controll

But she was super strong suddenly and I couldn't she was controlling my body as I'm narating

She crouches in front of him and grabs his face and with the free had points at him

She pulls him closer and yells in his face


for fuck sake Daisy what are you doing

I could see fear in his eyes nothing more, certainly nothing less

She released her hold of him and stood back

After a few moments she let me back in controll

When I looked over to Colt he was shaking and curled up in the corner of the room

I took a step forward

"I... I... I'm so sorry Colt, Daisy took control and lost it"

He shot his head up, this poor boy, he was so broken, I had just finished shattering him to peices

I took another step forward and he started to shake so violently, he put his head inbetween his knees and kept shaking it

I took a horrified step back and ran out the room

Tears excaped my eyes

They fell down my check and onto the ground as I ran

I ran into the liberty and slumped into the bean bag and cryed into it

What have we done

*it's his fault*


*what? *

Instead of answering her I blocked her out

I must have fallen to sleep at some point whilst crying because I woke up and it was dark out

My lips were dry so I licked them tasting salty tears

I got up clumsily and headed to my bedroom to clean up

I washed my face, hair and body

I decided to change into my night clothed since it was dark out and most of the pack would be asleep

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