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"Superstar Asmodeous and his ex-wife are fighting over custody of their only son. His ex-wife's representative has said that she was forced to sign over, while Asmodeous's representative said that his former wife willingly gave up custody of their son. A court battle will likely ensue."

"Not if I get restraining order first!" Magnus said, rather loudly according to his teacher 

"Mr.Bane, you are being a distraction during our news segment." His teacher informed him.

"Would you like a firsthand account of the incident? The news is making it sound like everything it isn't, they're emphasizing the wrong things." Magnus offered, the news made him sick.

"Sure, Mr.Bane, the stage is yours." His teacher responded.

Magnus walked to the front of the class, where the show was paused rather timely, both of his parents were on the screen, which made it easier to point to.

"So by the time I was 5, my mom tried to divorce my dad probably five times because of whatever she found as reasons. But whenever whenever I got diagnosed with Schizophrenia she decided that she didn't want to take care of me anymore, and signed over her rights completely and refused alimony for it. I learned this a week ago when she pulled a knife on me to tell me. Currently, my security doesn't allow her within 20 feet of me, since she keeps coming to my house to make a mess with my dad and try to blackmail him with horrible media presence that I doesn't really care about all that much because he's used to horrid media presence, I do stupid stuff and it gets caught on camera. 

"Anyway, yeah, I was five and she signed away he rights to me, and all of the money she would get if she persurd alimony. If she was to win the court case, there would be a several million dollar payout coming her way because when I'm with her she has to keep my cost of living the exact same. So yeah, that's everything that you'll not see in the news because my dad pays fo keep me out of the news as much as possible. Questions?" Magnus finished up.

"Your mom is fighting for custody just to get money, isn't that illegal?"

"No, you can divorce or get married, or fight a custody battle on the sole basis of money. It's not illegal." Magnus replied.

"How much money is your lifestyle worth to want to take care of a teenager? I don't want to do it for a teacher's salary." The teacher asked, confused.

"I dunno, my dad's bank days 10k a day. But that's just because I buy a lot cars. And he'd also have to pay for my security and whatever I wanted to do. He'd have to pay for me to live like I do with him while I'm with my mom." Magnus replied. "And she could only give me $5 a day if she wanted because she'd have control over the money since I'm a minor. But that would lead to an entirely new court case. Also, you guys say any of this to anyone else my dad will probably sue you."

Magnus answered a few more questions before the class continued, not that anyone listened to the teacher. They were all still buzzing from an inside look on the Asmodeous Bane's personal life.


"Let me get this straight, you took our children to a dinner date with a child abuser?!" Maryse screamed at her ex-husband.

"She's not a child abuser, she just said some things she didnt mean because her son kept trying to get her upset." Robert replied.

"That's a load of bs, that is. She pointed a knife at her son while telling him why she gave him up. That is no mother." Maryse told him.

"That's cruel, she was young when she had the kid. Some people aren't ready when they have kids. She's trying to step up and be in his life now." Robert protested.

"She probably found out how much her kid is worth and is now trying to make amends. That kid is worth billions, she is probably just trying to cash in on that money." Maryse replied. "I don't want her near my kids unless I'm there."

There was a knock on the front door before it opened. "Robert honey, how much longer are you going to be? I need to get to my lawyer soon and you said you wanted to come with me."

"You're helping her?" Maryse said, appalled.

"Oh hello, you must be Maryse. Your children are wonderful, you've raised them so well. Its amazing to meet you. Oh wait, that's my phone." Dhalia said, waving and then hiding behind her hand.


"You didn't hear this from me, Magnus is in the hospital. Knocked over in gym class, his head hit the concrete. He's been unresponsive for hours now." and then there was the dial tone.

"Oh no, I need to get to the hospital, my son! My poor son." She cried out.

"He's actually Asmodeous's son. You signed away legal rights and you can't be within 30 feet of him. And in this case, the same section of the hospital" One of Magnus's bodyguards said, walking through the front door. "Your son wanted you to know that he's at the hospital with Magnus, Mrs. Lightwood." And just as promptly walked out the house.

I dont really like the ending. But I'm tired and wanted to put another part out before going to sleep.

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