July - Movie inspired

Start from the beginning

"Men are really greedy."

There was no bitterness in their voices. No gleam of anger or sadness in their eyes.

One thing was clear, they weren't doing all that for getting their revenge.

"Why are you doing that?"

"We want a peaceful world. So does Kakashi."

"A peaceful world? With assassins in every street? With clones who don't have humanity?" she asked as she moved to getting rid of their attention on her belly. "You don't have to do that. It's not because you share the same aims with Kakashi that you have to obey every time he tells you to do something."

"It is why we have been created."

That sentence tied her tongue. It was unbelievable, the lack of emotions in their voices and in their gazes was terrifying.

This was really the world of tomorrow?

How could Kakashi be ok with this? Wasn't he the head of Japan national security?

What if it was the root of the problem?

He was a part of the minority who was ready to do anything to achieve their ends. But using the formula to clone for the Secret Services didn't make it better. People, children, all innocent, were suffering again and again.

She couldn't be ok with that. The well-being and the future of her child were at stake.

She won't stay still and watched them do a ton of experiments on her baby.

But, what could she do alone?

She felt the shape of the gun against her side. That feeling was worse than having it aimed against her temple. But it confirmed what she deduced.

Even though Tendo had already told her multiple times they wouldn't hurt her, Pain were, before anything else, assassins.

If they had to stop her, they would.

She had to go back to Naruto.

But how?

With her eyes, she scanned the room again. Her gaze fell on the computer screen. She could try to trace his phone. She knew how to hack codes.

No. She should act as if the clones had taken all his communication tools.

It's ok. She believed in him. He'll come to her. He promised. In the meantime, she had to keep herself from getting hurt. She couldn't die.

"Your body knows how to protect your child despite the twists and turns. It is really interesting."

Nothing showed Tendo's interest. It was more as if he was repeating one of Yahiko's sentences because he heard him say it before. Everything sounded copied, faked.

Despite her, empathy squeezed her heart then, flew away when he put back the ultrasound device on her belly.

Her baby was her priority.

Her eyes slid on the other clone then on the handcuffs. She had to get rid of them to be able to sit at the desk. Naruto had teached her how to open them with a hairpin. She lightly frowned. Unfortunately, Pain had tied her hands away from her hair.

Despite their sweet words, they were wary and wanted luck on their side by having a gun with them.

It meant Naruto was still here. Still alive.

Motivated by that glimmer of hope, she started thinking.

Finding another solution to get free was imperative. She didn't even think of the consequences of what she was about to do.

Her only concern was to distract Pain.

Did she have the time to-

Her attention was brought back on the huge syringe he was filling with a dark liquide. The panic she managed to calm down by thinking crawled back in her veins.

"W-What it is?"

"It will only make your baby stronger." was their reply.

Was it supposed to make her feel better? If it was, it had failed.

Her heart was pounding hard. Her whole being was screaming to her to escape again but the handcuffs were still on. She moved away from the edge of the needle when it came close to her skin, begging them to stop. But, Tendo's and the other clone's hands were on her, reminding her of her struggle against Menma.

She was immobilised. She was trapped.

She felt the injection. He was about to press the piston. She couldn't do anything to stop him. Screaming was useless but she kept shouting at the top of her voice.

Until the syringe exploded.

Something sprayed on her and she only heard the gunshot after it happened.

Or was it a second gunshot since the clone standing next to her loudly hit the ground.

Even free from those unwelcomed hands, she was still trembling. She then exhaled several times through her nose to calm down. It's in doing so that she smelled the blood on her. The only thing she knew was that, it wasn't hers or her baby's.

Hinata didn't have time to process more of what was going on. A lighting bolt jumped on Tendo, pinning him on the floor. Her eyes then met two blue orbs shadowed by the red veil of anger.

He was here.

Final chapter tomorrow :)

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Final chapter tomorrow :)

Still Falling for You [NH year 2020]Where stories live. Discover now