July - Movie inspired

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Manga/Anime: Naruto by Masashi Kishimoto/Studio Pierrot
Words: 1 958
Publish: 07/19/2020
Summary: Naruto and Hinata are on the verge of knowing the truth. It's the beginning of the end.

 It's the beginning of the end

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That was too easy.

Why no other cars were following them?

Why only two men?

It didn't match the Secret Services methods.

Was it possible it was someone else?

But who?

They did everything in their power to not be noticed.

What if, right now, people were watching them?

Maybe it was a trape.

And Naruto won't be able to do anything.

What if they were pulled apart.

What if they couldn't see each other anymore.

She was suffering her thoughts once again. They were whirling around her like a snow storm. Each breaths she tried to take didn't bring oxygen to her lungs, to her baby. As if thick snowflakes would travel in her nose, in her throat, suffocating her.

She was hyperventilating, she knew it.

Her heart failed to follow the rhythm.

Her sight was blurred.

If not, there was no light around her.

Where was she?

It's then she felt Naruto's arms around her. As snow would melt under the sun, his warmth bathed her, getting rid of her untamed thoughts.

She blinked a few times her panicked tears away. Against her back, she felt his torso regularly rise and fall. His burning breath caressed her ear.

"Breath with my, Hinata."

His voice. She focused on his voice, on his sweet words. She closed her eyes and tightened her fingers around his protective formarms. She heard his breath her perfume in her hair. She felt his thumb circulating on slow moves on her hand.

A first breath, giving her back her senses.

A second, less painful.

A third, easier.

Focused on his touch and calm breathing rhythm, she lost track of time.

But she didn't care.

Everything's fine.

They're safe.

Relaxing a bit more, she leaned a bit more against his body. She felt his fingers caress her cheek. Truck a lock of hair behind her ear. Slid down her arms. Travel on her belly.

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